Chapter 10

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And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes

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And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes. Butterflies can't stop me falling for you. And darling this is more than anything I felt before, you're everything that I want.
- Clinton Kane


Jordan sped in his car to Camilla's house. Making sharp turns and driving beyond the speed limit.

Jordan never intended to hurt the girl. His always felt some type of feeling towards her ever since he laid eyes on her, he was 12. When Natalie first bought her kids over to the Baker's house for dinner.

"Our guests will be here shortly, behave please." Laura said.

The Baker kids couldn't wait to meet their mum's best friend. Because she also had a set of twins, a boy and a girl. Jordan couldn't wait to talk about the new season of football. And Olivia was excited she could get to play barbies with the girl coming over.

Olivia ran towards the door when she heard the doorbell. She opened it and a big grin plastered on her face, from cheek to cheek. "Finally another girl around! I'm Olivia." She squealed.

The two little girls giggled as they gave each other a small hug. "I'm Camilla and that's my brother, Isaac." Laura welcomed them in. Jordan jumped down from the few steps on the staircase, in front of the family. "Hi, I'm Jordan." He put his hand out to handshake the young boy.

"I'm Isaac!" The shorter boy said, shaking his hands with Jordan.

Jordan looked at the girl next to Isaac. She had straight black mid length hair, wearing a white long sleeve shirt with denim overalls and a pair of converse.

Camilla looked at the boy with slight smile and gave him a small wave. Before Olivia took her hand and they both ran to the backyard over to the pool.

"Oh, that's my twin sister. Cami. I mean, Camilla. Cami is her nickname, only her family and best friend call her that." Isaac said to the boy before following to where the two girls had gone.

"Cami.." Jordan muttered underneath his breath.

Thoughts and memories traveling through his head as he was parked at the front of her house. Jordan made his way to the door with his hands in his pockets after knocking on the door.

Wasn't the person he wanted to open the door. Isaac. "It's nearly midnight. Please do tell me why do you want to see me at this time?" He said.

Jordan chuckled, "I'm not here for you, I'm here to talk to your sister."

"Wow." Isaac said putting his hand over his heart. "Well good luck with that, she hasn't left her room. Side note, we  just received a lot of bad news a few hours ago.." He whispered to Jordan, opening the door wider for him to enter.

The taller boy nodded and walked up the stairs. He knocked once on her door, no reply. He knocked twice this time, the door knob slowly turning. They met face to face and she quickly tried to shut the door in his face. His shoe was in between leaving room to give the door a slight push so he could come in.

Camilla didn't even bother. She gave up instantly and went to her bed, to which he followed. "Cami." He said.

She cut him off, hoping he would leave. "As you can see, I'm not in the mood."

"Camilla, I'm sorry for what I did the other day. Kissing you like that and not showing up to something that was important to you." He looked at the girl with sincerity in his eyes.

"No Jordan. You took me out in the middle of the night, where it was cold. I could've got sick before my meet." She was looking everywhere but his eyes. Not just his eyes, all of him.

He was generally confused on why she also blamed it on the weather. It wasn't a problem during that night, it never came up. "Don't say that. You didn't think it was mistake, we were having fun. You said it yourself. Don't change it around Cam."

"I just don't understand why you would kiss me, more than once. And not show up to my meet or the party my mum threw." She moved back, her back on her pillow, her legs out while she crossed her arms. "You practically played me. Ghosted me."

"I'm here now." He said.

"I don't care Jordan. Can you just go?" She said.

"No Camilla. I'm sorry, really. I just got scared if you just kissed me back in the moment, if you didn't feel anything." The girl looked up at him into his eyes. Finally.

"Ever since I was 12, when you first came over. You made me feel this weird feeling and now I'm 17 and it only grew more and more each day. So no, I didn't play you. I was scared if you didn't feel the same way. This is more than anything, I've felt before. You're all that I want."

Jordan pulled her hands for her to come sit next to him. She smiled as she sat by him, her knees tucked under her chin on her bed. He puts his hand under her chin to look at her as he slowly leans in.

Instead she backed away and moved her head to the side. "Not now, I've got a lot on my plate right now. I don't want to pretend and tell you it's all sunshine and rainbows because it's not. My life is practically falling apart and I just need to spend as much time as I can with my family."

The boy didn't understand, Olivia didn't tell him anything about this. He feels as though he had just put his heart on the line and got rejected. Was this her way of kindly rejecting him? Last night she was moping on how he didn't show up and that he supposedly had played her. Isn't what she's doing now, the same thing?

"I don't get it. Did I just tell you everything I felt for you, for no reason? Did you just want to hear it from my mouth that I liked you?" He was asking her all these questions, leaving no space for her to answer.

"Jordan!" She yelled to get his attention.

"I like you too. Just not right now, I can't have or do anything at the moment." She said to the boy.

"What's happening?" Now he was more than worried, his never seen the girl like this.

"My mum just told us some bad news before you came over.." she whispered.

Maybe this was the bad news Isaac was on about. Although he hadn't exactly told him what and just opened the door for him. Isaac has never been one to figure out. You could never tell how or what he is feeling, he'll always just find a way to say jokes even if he is having a hard time. However, Camilla, he could tell. She just never opens up and pretends like it's nothing or something so simple.

Hearing the silent sobs and teardrops falling from her face onto her bare leg. Her long hair covering her face as she wiped her face with sleeves of the jumper she was wearing.

"Camilla, what's going on?" He asked her.

"My mum's not doing well.." She said to the boy, softly.

Jordan moved closer to her. His arm on her back rubbing it up and down, and on her head pulling her in closer leaving no gap in between them.

"It's going to be ok Cami, I promise.." he whispered in the girl's ear.

He always ensured the girl from when they were young that everything was going to be ok. That he would protect her from everything and anything that would come her way. However, this time he was just not to sure.

Author's Note;

We finally got them to make up!

Whenever something good happens, there's always another storm 😭
What's happening to Natalie?

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