chapter 3

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After what happened 5 days ago, all the people in the mansion are going crazy and you are just confused bc

"WHO WOULD DO THAT!?" yelled your dad

Time skip~

Since reena was not at home you went to the hotel to identify the man (Rocky)


You walked inside with kamals goons
All started to go to each door and knock
harshly and each time someone showed you any guy you replied with one word

After that ruckus you went to door to knock bc you felt bad to the people on the other side

But something or someone pulled you into the room which made you yelp
And you meet with brown lovesick eyes starting right at you

"Huh" the (h/c) said shocked realizing that she found him

"You came here to see me" the black haired man asked while pointing at him and started to ramble

"You know that you're always on my mind darling
Even now i was thinking about you in the bathroom-" you were ready to punch bc you were uncomfortable with him"taking a bath" he finished

"My father will hear about this" (-•×•-)
You said as you didn't know what to do

"I WILL KILL YOU" You yelped at the man

"Im already deathed,darling" he said in broken English while trapping her

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I hope you like this and sorry for the short chapter and the late update

KGF (Yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now