glorious title

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(Takes place in dsaf 1)

Today was a "normal" day at Fazbender's, children screaming bloody murder, adults stepping on unidentified substances, workers pulling out their remaiming hair, and the purple man robbing the prize counter. All was normal for a Freddy's location. But, today was also when a new worker would come to work his sad lil' life away. That man would be coming in just a few hours. The boss, Phone guy, was hiding the rat corpses under a rug, so the new guy wouldn't run away at the first sight of the place. Hours passed, and phone guy had almost everything ready, well- as ready as it can be. The new worker walked in, he was strange, to say the least. Almost no hair, missing teeth, zombie kinda look, not to mention that he was literally orange. Phone guy didn't seem the least bit concerned about his appearance, and walked up to greet him. He took the new guy on a tour around the place, and then asked a few questions. "Any past crime related activity?"  "...I stole a stick of gum once,,," "How can you sleep at night?"

After all the questions were over, Phone Guy sent the new employee, Alvin Donald's (stupid name, isn't it?), to the bleeding out room. A.k.a. "The Saferoom," despite how unsafe it actually is. There, Alvin met the purple man. "Why hello there, Old Sport, you must be the new kid." Then the purple went on a rant about how you can't leave the place and yadda yadda yadda. He offered to help "Old Sport" escape the place, at the cost of a few kiddos' lives. Alvin agreed, since he never really had a life anyways. And they were off, they had climbed into springlock suits. Oh wait! I never introduced Springlock suits! Silly me,, Springlock suits are suits that both double as animatronic, and mascot costume. You gotta lock lil' springs in place, unless y' want your lungs to get married with metal spikes! Despite how dangerous these suits are, the company still uses them. Strange isn't it? Oops- I guess my little talk on springlock suits made us miss some action,, too bad I guess. The purple and orange man were now cleaning up the saferoom, to avoid any suspension from the boss. As soon as they finished, the purple man was off. Leaving poor Alvin Donald's all alone. He didn't care lol. He finished up whatever, and walked out the door, wonder what will happen tomorrow. Let's just say, it's not all too interesting....

Tomorrow is Another Day.

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