Getting started

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I walk up on the street to him. He's leaned up against the wall of a department store in the middle of an ally. He's in his brown leather jacket like usual, smoking a cigarette between his soft lips.
"What do you want to do?" I ask him.
"Nothing legal," He smirks, that signature Dallas Winston smirk. He gets his balance and leans off the wall and puts his arm around me. We start walking. We stay more in the shadow area and walk through ally ways. We don't talk much, we just let our feet take us wherever. I lean into his arm. Smile, he smells like him, feels like him. A feeling that would always make me weak and make me put my guard down. I don't know why it's him. Maybe it's 'cause he acts so tough and hard around everyone but with me, he takes down that wall and lets me know him. The not-so-dangerous Dallas.
"Hey, I know what we should do," He looks down at me with a mischievous look in his eyes. I look up at him with curiosity. "Let's go into that gas station over there," He pointed at a random gas station. At first, I thought he would have led us to the DX where Sodapop and Steve work but no. "And... I want to see what you got when it comes to shoplifting,"

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