New Start

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Third person POV:

Adam's first day at his new high school. "You ready?" Adam's mother said. "Yeah! I hope everyone is nice!" Adam said. "I'm sure they will be." She smiled at him.

They arrived and parked up outside of school. "Goodbye, have fun!" Adam's mom said. "Bye!" Adam grabbed his things and he skipped inside.

When Adam walked inside, he was greeted by the principle, "Hello! You must be Adam?" She smiled at him. "Yep thats me!" Adam said. "Alright, this is Barbara. She will show you around the school!" The principle explained. "H-hello Adam.." The young girl said, shaking his hand. "I-I have the same classes as you s-so I will show you around."
"Okay!" Adam smiled at her excitedly.

The bell rang and they had science class first. Adam found a seat next to Barbara and sat down. "Today we're learning about organisms," The teacher explained. That was the only thing Adam really understood in that class. He was lost in his thoughts.

Mom said the kids would be nice. Only Barbara is nice. She's kind. She's caring. She's beautiful- He immediately stopped himself. He didn't like her in that way, did he?

Barbara tapped his shoulder, making him jump. "Adam?" She whispered. He looked over at her. "Yeah?" He asked. "I need help on this question.." She pointed to her work sheet. "Oh okay! Here.." Adam went on explaining the question to her.

"Thank you.." She smiled at him. He blushed slightly, "Of course." He said, smiling. Her smile is so cute. No.. this is wrong. I just met her. And she wouldn't like me back anyway. He zoned out again.

Barbara tapped him again. "Adam, are you okay?" She looked worried. "Y-yeah I'm fine." The bell rang. "Better be off.. have a good day." Barbara said and she walked away.

Word count: 313 words

The Maitlands <3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt