A few questions..

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      "..p-please..dont hurt me" she said as she began to cry her hands going under her bag to wipe her tears  the patient who she still could not see was staring down at her an amused look on his face Oh darling im sorry~ he said sarcastically as he towered over her loooking down at her Stand up she didnt listen Stand UP she listened hearing as he got angry she stood up trying to control her tears
          I-im sor-sorry..     ..well well well a human that will somewhat follow my rules...i would usally prefer them to try and scare me but....i like this~ "Dr Flug are you ok!" She turned around and began shaking c-can i answer..? You really need my consent to answer?~ toying with you'ull be fun.. but yes you can answer but before you do you might wanna think about what will happen if u say the wrong thing..Docter~
....Docter! Are you ok? .....hello- I-Im fine! Im f-fine just leave me b-be.. she said trying to make her voice sound as normal as possible suprisingly fooling the guards okay then..
Wow human! Im so..Suprised! You didnt tell them i was tormenting you.. this is gonna be so much fun having you here~ since i know i can most certainly control you..is there any questions you would like to ask me?~ i-i-Uhm..yes! I-i do have some questions i wanna ask..if thats ok w-with y-you..? Ofcourse it is docter! Now ask away~. O-ok well uhm..question one..What species are y-you.
Im a DEMON~ he said saying demon louder more aggressively. O-ok question two..how did you end up here..? I got caught doing something i guess i shouldnt of been doing he shrugged his shoulders as he said that.
Okay question th-three..do you have any special powers.. Why ofcourse i do docter im a demon afterall why wouldn't i..? Or maybe its because you think im lying about being a demon? He looked at her with a very amusing expression n-no of course not! I would never think that you would lie about that i mean your teeth are far from h-human! Good choice of words docter but you have hurt my feelings as you have lied to me so i will do something to you when you leave my room to prove it. O-oh okay..
And that is another chapter done my fellow paperhat lovers taataa next chapter should be out tomorrow

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