.bright red and orange eyes.

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4 year old bella pov.

I sat onto the floor watching my house burn down I may have only been 4 years old at this time but I was well aware that I was in danger. My mother packed clothes and food but most importantly money. About 10.000.000 dollars were placed in Two bags. Well actually a suit case that had a sign that said "please take care of her." Even though no one gave a shit about Mr. I kept walking and walking.

The snow was thick and cold but I kept moving. I kept wondering how all of those clothes, food and money fit. Till this day I still wonder how I survived. I was just a damn child.
I was now on the forest but unfortunately we're wild animals were at and I didn't know how to shift into a lycanthrope. Yes a lycanthrope a actually two feet standing werewolf.

When I was walking I stumbled upon a cave....a bears den. I walked in only to have this wired tingly feeling my body was itching badly. It was uncontrollable. Then I heard a grizzlies roar.

I looked up meeting light brown eyes. He picked up his claw swipping and yet he only got my back. I was smart enough to know to run. So I grabbed my suitcase and dashed out of there. Of course I was wounded and bleeding out but as papa used to say "if you can not figh someone who is bigger than you it's okay to run the other way" I heard his voice echoe through my mind as I was running breathing hard.

I heard the bear behind me but kept moving till. Crunch a bear trap got to my leg. I didn't scream nor cry just looked down at what it did to me. I turned my head to see the bear ready to feast until. He was knocked over and killed by something. I couldn't move only watch.

I watched as the bears eyes slowly drain out of life. Soon a girl appeared she had black inky like hair that spiked. Her body was short shorter that others she was skinny and most importantly she had honey golden eyes that glistened even under the gray coated sky. She smiled at me. The most calmest smiled ever whipping the sma blood from off her perfectly pale cheek. "Well hello little one." Her voice soft and a hint of worry.

I sat down and pulled my leg up showing the bear trap. "Oh dear." She hurried over to me with such quick speed that if I would have blinked she would be gone.

She slowly took the Trap off that somehow didn't rip my leg off. Once she got it off I stood up waved goodbye and started pushing the over sized bag. "Uhm. Little one." I turned back looking at her. She bend down putting her knee into the white covered floor. "Are you alone?" She asked. "Papa and mama go boom." I said. My voice steady and calm.

As I did a booming motion with my arms and hands. Her yellow honey eyes widen. She held her hand out for me to take. My small skinny hand went over her cold smooth hands.

It almost felt like stone but it had a little softness to her. "Wanna come with me. We have a big house with lost of fun things." She said trying to at least give me some type of choice. "Okie" I said I placed my hands on the suit case only for the girl to take it away. "You carry that book bag okay? While I carry this." I nod my head as she held my hand and we began walking.

We soon made it to a big ass house that looked supper beautiful with all the different lights and the way it shined.
"Come on." She said softly. She picked me up with one hand and carried the suit case in the other.

She let go of the suit case and opened the door. Soon I was inside of a huge house.

I was now places on a bed waiting for someone to come in the girl had told me to wait until she got back do I did. Soon a blonde man came in he had a soft smile on his face and the girl had come back now sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. "Hello there. My name is carliel what would be yours." He questioned trying to keep me distracted as he cleaned the wound on mu leg. "Isabelle. But mama gave me nickname of bella."

He nodded his head "well Bella. How would you like to be re-homed?" He kept his voice soft as he now wrapping my legs moving onto my back lifting up the shirt. "Okie." I simply said.
I watched as the black haired girl and carliel looked at each other and nodded there heads. "So you'll be staying here for one more day sweetheart okay?" I nod my head "yes sir." He finished wrapping me up before letting me go.

I looked around the over sized house until I see a blonde girl sitting on the couch reading. She placed her book down and our eyes met. I smiled a bit a her before walking over hand crawling onto the couch. I opened my arms and made a grabbing motion. She rolled her eyes before picking me up and placing me onto her lap.

I layed my head onto her chest before closing my eyes but never really going to sleep. She slowly started playing with my hair and rocked her body. Humming to herself. Soon footsteps approached causing me to look up turning my head. I seen a really really buff dude. With such a goofy grin. I got up from the blonde and was now on the hard floor.

I walked over to him and started to push on his leg. "Wow. Your a strong one huh." He smiled down at me. I lifted my arms up and made that dame grabbing motion. To which he smiled to and picked me up. He flexed his arm and I did the same. "I got bigger muscle."I said knowing damn well I have nothing.

He smiled. "Hell yeah you do. Look at the strong build!" He said with that goofy smile I smiled back at him. He placed me onto the floor as I started to walk away. Finding myself infront of a heart face like woman. She smiled and passed my a sandwich. I waved her goodbye. Before bitting down onto the food.

I seen a blonde man looking out the window. He turned around to me and smiled. "Why who would you be little lady." He had a cowboy accent (I have a country accent in real life but its not that bad you can hear it a bit though lol.) I smiled at him and broke a part of my sandwich and passed it to him. "Why thank you what a kind young lady you are." I waved him goodbye before walking away. On my adventure.

I soon go into a dark room. That had a piano. I bit the last piece of the sandwich before climbing up. And standing on the seat. I placed my hand on a key and started to play a bit.

"You play?" A voice spoke soon soon man with dark hair with light highlights walked out of the dark. I tilted my head at him. He walked closer before sitting on the chair. I threw an smile at him before playing a song. Even though I got some keys wring he was still able to guess what song it was an once he got it right I clapped my hands and smiled at him before climbing down and waving him goodbye.

Once I made it out I looked up the stairs. And started to climb once I made it. I followed a wired sweet scent. Before it got super strong. I pushed open this half open door. Once I got in I noticed the colors were yellow and white. I found the girl who had found me sitting on a bed and just staring into nothing.

I slowly walked over and started to climb onto her bed almost falling but she caught me and smiled at me. She placed her head onto mine before whispering something.....something I can't remember.....why can't I remember? What does she look like? The only thing I remember is her eyes. I remember their eyes. But her....I can't remember nothing other than her eyes.

Bellas pov.

I wake up to an alarm waking me from my passed dream. Now it was time to get ready. I sat up taking the covers off of my body suddenly cold air rushed against my body. "Good morning mom and dad." I kissed the picture of them before placing back on my desk. I got up and got into the shower. I still had those scars that were buried deep into my skin. I got out and looked at the tattoos and somehow strong 6 pack I had.

They just appeared one day. And they hurt like hell. I've been taking pills to ease the pain a bit but nothing could help my headache.

Welp it was time for school. Maybe I'll find her this year.

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