White Feathers (Claude)

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The Golden Deer house was trying to decide who should be their representative in the White Heron Cup. Professor Jeritza was allowing the students to discuss, where they would choose who would be their representative at the end of the period.

"Let's all start with what we think about ourselves being the representative," Jeritza said.

"I think I should be the White Heron Cup representative," Hilda said. "I'd say I'm like, a pro at dancing. Well, based on my own words anyway. But I'm very confident in my skills and think I would be a good pick."

"I'll just cheer for whoever's picked," Marianne said. "But if nobody else wants to represent our class, then I understand. But I think someone else would do a better job than me."

"I'll do it if nobody else wants to," Lysithea pitched in. "It's not my forte, but I'm willing to put in the effort if nobody else would like to."

"It would be an honor to represent our class," Lorenz said. "Count me in!"

"It may not look like it, but I'm actually a really good dancer," Raphael said. "You guys wouldn't regret picking me to be the representative."

"I think the best choice would be a noble," Ignatz suggested. "I'm not the best at dancing, but I think a noble would."

"I don't dance," Leonie admitted. "So maybe not me."

"I think Hilda or Lorenz would be able to win for us," Claude said. "They seem to be very confident in their dancing abilities. What do you guys think?"

Everyone nodded at Claude's suggestion.

"So either me or Lorenz it is?" Hilda said. "How do we decide?"

"Maybe we can see each of your guys' dancing skills in action," Leonie suggested. "One at a time you guys can demonstrate some of your best dancing skills."

"I think that would be a good idea," Lorenz said. "Hilda, would you concur that Leonie's suggestion is fair?"

"I think it's fair."

"Alright," Claude said. "Lorenz, Hilda, which one of you two would like to go first?"

"Ladies first," Lorenz said. "Hilda, you may."

"Alright." Hilda performed in front of her classmates, making sure to carefully position her steps for a graceful dance. She made sure to leave an impression on her classmates, hoping that because of her dancing skills, they would pick her as the representative. She ended off with a curtsy, pretending she was wearing a dress instead of her uniform.

Hilda's classmates clapped for her. "Amazing job, Hilda!" Lysithea said.

"Thank you all very much," Hilda said.

"Are you guys ready for my immaculate dancing skills to be shown before your eyes?" Lorenz said as Hilda sat down, giving Lorenz room to dance.

Claude nodded. "Go ahead, Lorenz." Claude wasn't a fan of Lorenz's overly formal diction and tone but accepted it regardless. At least he knew that Lorenz was trying to put an impression on his classmates.

Lorenz began his dance by carefully positioning his steps, similar to Hilda's dance. Claude honestly thought that Lorenz wasn't as majestic as Hilda was, seeing that he was flawed in some of his steps. The difference between the two's stances was that Hilda enjoyed dancing and was willing to do so, but Lorenz wanted to do it purely because he thought it was a noble thing to do.  While both had incredible dancing skills, Hilda definitely won in Claude's mind. "What do you think?" Lorenz asked, ending his dance with a bow.

"It was great," Claude said blankly. Lorenz just smiled at him, so he assumed that he didn't see the disappointment hidden in his tone. He turned to the rest of the Golden Deer students. "So, it's between Hilda and Lorenz. We have six people able to vote, so ties are possible, but I hope that we can get those sorted. Who here votes Hilda for class representative?"

Everyone raised their hands, making the vote unanimous. It was official that Hilda would be the representative of the Golden Deer in the White Heron Cup.

"So Hilda, then?" Jeritza said.

"Yep. Hilda fair and square." Claude turned to Lorenz. "Sorry about that."

Lorenz kept his composure. "Oh, it's not a problem. I thought Hilda's dancing was lovely, and it's a great thing that she will be representing our class in the upcoming cup." He turned to Hilda. "Congratulations, Lady Hilda. We'll all cheer for you in the tournament."

"I thank you all," Hilda said. "I won't let you guys down!"

The students of the Golden Deer began to cheer for their representative. "I'll let Rhea know that Hilda will be representing us as soon as I get the time to talk to her," Jeritza said, writing Hilda's name down on a small sheet of paper. "At least we know who's representing our class."

"Say, Professor Jeritza," Lysithea said. "Do you know who the representatives of the other classes are?"

"I do not," Jeritza said.

"I think it would be better not to know," Hilda said. "It spoils the fun of dancing in the White Heron Cup if you know who you're going to be competing against, you know? That's what makes dancing competitions like these fun for me: I don't know who my opponents are."

"After all, it's never the same competitors every year," Lorenz added. "It's not like you'll know for sure who you're going against every year."

"Yep," Claude said as he sat down at his desk.

"Sit down everyone," Professor Jeritza said in front of the room. "White Heron Cup discussion is over. It's time to get to today's lecture, so sit down at your desks."

The students obeyed and sat down at their desks, awaiting further instruction from Professor Jeritza. "Excuse me," Claude asked his professor. "What's today's lecture on, if I'm allowed to ask you?"

"Crests," Jeritza said. "Now, get out your textbooks and turn to page seventy-six."

The students got out their textbooks and turned to the requested page. Claude skimmed over the words, seeing that the lecture was, in more detail, about how Crests were important in their society. Which, in fact, was true, and there was no denying that thanks to the Church's glorification, Crests were essential to the lives of noble and royal houses.

But perhaps what the future has in store for them would change that.

The Bright Star [Fire Emblem: Three Houses AU]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin