
23 1 0

"Today is the day,"

She whispered to herself.

She stayed in bed for a while staring at the white popcorn ceiling above her. Then she shifted from underneath the covers and stood on top of the bed tracing her hand along the roughness.

The last day I'll be in this room

She hopped off of the mattress and headed to the bathroom.

Her cold hands traveling along the walls looking for the light switch. The small clock was heard and the brightness filled the bathroom. The low humming of the light fixture finally filling her brain with something other then silence as she stared at her reflection.

The last time I'll get ready for school

She thought pulling the uniformed shirt over her head

"Today is the last day" she mumbled to herself as she got on the school bus, the yelling of other teenagers filling her ears as she sighed and leaned her head against the window.

"Rough day?" 

She slowly turned her head to the side not realizing that someone had occupied the seat next to her.

The boy looked back at her with a smile. She took note of his dark hair and hazel eyes. The way he fiddled with the sleeve of his hoodie and tilted his head to the side as he waited for her answer.

"He's knew"  she thought turning to him 

"..the day hasn't even started" she frowned raising an eyebrow. A new student at the end of the school year? Well isn't he brave. Her fear of change could never.

"Oh..Yeah your right" He nodded

"Rough morning then?" 

She fought the urge to roll her eyes at the question instead Ignoring it and asking her own "You're new right?"

He nodded quickly at that shifting in the seat.

 "Yep! My names Issac" 

He held out his hand for her to shake and she took it with instant regret. It was unbelievable soft and for some reason it annoyed her. Very much."What the fuck does this guy use?" She thought as they both let go.

"I know it's the end of the school year" he continued "But I just wanted to see the people here and maybe get to know them. My family and I moved from California. A big change right? It's gonna take getting used to but it's not so bad. I actually like the weather here more then the heat back home. It's nice to walk my dogs in, don't gotta worry about fainting from heat stroke" he joked

She wasn't interested in his story but it would be bitchy to say that... so instead she just sat and listened. Gradually  the bus came to a stop and she sighed in relief as the boy stopped talking to get off. 

"You're really cool to talk to" He grinned stepping aside to let her walk out first. 

"I barely talked" She thought walking ahead

"Do you maybe think..you can show me around sch-"


She cut him off rather quickly as she walked into the building.

"I'm busy" Which was in fact true. She didn't forget about her plans for her "last day". The last thing she wanted was showing this kid around the place and then him thinking he was so annoying during that tour she went and killed herself right after.

Jeez could you imagine?

"O-Oh that's alright. Understandable," He said walking by her side a paper now in hand.

"...could you at least tell me where my first class is?"

She stopped and held her hand out for the sheet quickly scanning it over.

She handed it back to him trying to show no emotion.

"You're first three classes are the same as mine..."

"Really?" I gasped "Woah thats great!"

"Yep. Yippe." She replied flatly 




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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