||chapter four||

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I wake up to the bright sunshine coming through my blinds, perfectly hitting my face. 

I blink, my eyes are heavy and dry from crying. 

I go to stand up but something heavy holding my waist pulls me back down.

"Don't go yet," Nick says, snuggling into the crook of my neck.

I slightly blush at his morning voice, putting my right hand into his hair.

"I'll be back Nicky, I promise."

"Five more minutes."

I huff and grab my phone from my bedside table.

Assy 😔

Today 1:00 AM 

are u there
what happened
are u ok
do I need to go over
ur always awake late
did something happen

text me tomorrow, please
ur location says ur at home
i hope ur asleep
ill text u when i wake up
just lemme know ur ok.

Today 11:46 AM

I'm sorry Asher, I fell asleep
I'm okay though
Thank you for checking on me :')

"Are they worried about you?" He asks me.

I glance over at him and smile, "Yeah, Asher and I have been friends for a while and they still treat me like I'm five"

He lets out a chuckle and takes his arm off my waist, rolling over and rubbing it through his hair. I pull my legs to the other side of the bed and stand up.

"Spinny," I say, trying to find my balance.

"You okay?" I can hear the concern in his voice and feel him hold onto my waist.

I put my hand on top of his and close my eyes, "Yeah I just get dizzy sometimes."

He snorts and puts his head in the corner of my neck, he starts humming a tune. I quickly recognized the song Morning Sex by Ralph Castelli. 

"Why that song?" I ask as we start swaying.

"You were playing it last night." 

I blush, 

so he remembers everything...

I hold myself back from one question on my mind.

are you going to think of me differently?

I'm sure he would, he wouldn't want to admit it to me. People never tell me anything and keep it a secret, I don't see why it affects me so much. 


I hadn't realized I zoned out.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking," I said.

"About what?" He asks me as he stops swaying and moves his head from the nape of my neck.

Part of me wants to not say what I was thinking about, but another part of me wants to say it.

"Can you just wait for me? I don't know if I want to say it yet," I clench my eyes shut, scared of what he'll say.

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