Chapter 1

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Oliver Dane sat staring down at his homework left un attempted, his brain traveling a million miles an hour. He wanted anything to be anywhere but at school, wanting to fade out of existence as if he were to never exist. It had been a year since he last seen his mother, the unfriendly visit with his father ended with his mother's death. Despite it being an accident, Oliver still blames himself, maybe if he hadn't antagonized his father then she would still be alive. Common sense says if your father is a mutant to not piss him off, but Oliver couldn't help it. He inherited his attitude from his father, his mother told him it would get them killed but Oliver still reacted irrationally. It wasn't that he was running away from his father, but that he was trying to stay hidden. His father had been know to go to extreme measurements when it came to fighting for mutant rights. After all what do you expect from Magneto, one of the most powerful mutants of the time. It's hard to hide the violent side of you to your family when it's broadcasted in the news and as soon as Eloise found out, she ran. It wasn't that she thought he'd hurt them but because she knew they wouldn't be safe. Being in the spotlight has its ups and downs and when you're leading a group of mutant extremists, you're bound to have trouble and Eloise couldn't have that.

The sound of a chair getting dragged over to him startled him from his thoughts, his first reaction was to run but remembering where he was made it easier to stay calm. Michelle "MJ" Jones was friendlier than she looked, her curly hair was put into a pony tail leaving a part of it to cover the side of her face allowing her to remain unapproachable.

"Hey Oli, what are you studying?" MJ said.

"Trying to get caught up in History," Oliver sighed.

"Still or again?" She asked but Oliver wouldn't answer that. They both knew how much he hated history, it wasn't interesting enough for him to care about. Oliver preferred Math over all other subjects, he found science interesting, English and Spanish were useful. Foreign languages we always an obsession, being fluent in 3 languages and learning another on top of them only fed his obsession to be fluent in as many as he can.

The Library was practically empty, which would be weird at first but the noticeably closed coffee bar explained it. The Library was a hot spot for most students to grab a quick coffee, or donuts and hangout. Oliver never enjoyed the amount of classmates swarming the Library, he preferred it to be quiet and empty.

"You ready for tonight?" He finally asked, neatly avoiding an answer.

"Yeah how could I not be, having to watch Peter Parker long distance pine over Liz Allen will never grow tiresome." She rolled her eyes causing Oliver to laugh.

Peter Parker, their not really friend, friend who's had a crush on the popular girl since apparently forever according to MJ. Oliver never understood it, the idea of wanting something more than friendship, his mother told him that distraction could lead to danger and danger could lead to death. Sure his father could protect him, but he was too busy paying for trying to turn everyone into mutants. His plastic prison couldn't imprison his father for long, and Oliver is not so sure he can handle another meeting without breaking.

"By the time he grows the balls to ask her, Harry will have probably already asked her hand in marriage," he joked back. It was a rare sight to see Oliver laugh, and another for him to joke back. It was obvious that Harry Osborn was interested in Liz Allen, everyone assumed they were dating but Oliver had his doubts. They never held hands despite never being away from each other. Oliver didn't know what Peter saw in her, for all Oliver knows Peter should just give up, it'll never happen.

The bell interrupts MJ before she can respond announcing that they have 5 minutes to get to class. Gathering his text books he got up and walked to his locker to unload things he wouldn't need till after lunch.

The hallway was a mess of people as always, kids swarming each other's lockers to spill the latest drama, and to talk about the game this Friday. His locker wasn't too far from home room allowing him time to put up his afternoon books. He shared the same home room as MJ, he couldn't care less about the other kids but unfortunately he shared it with Flash as well. It wasn't that Flash was mean to him, he was just annoying, always asking Oliver for help on math. Oliver would never live long enough to understand how he made it onto the football team, except he was reminded you don't need to be good at school to be good at sports.

Flash sported blonde hair that spiked up at the front that screamed "I'm a douchebag." He had 11 inches on Oliver bringing him to about 5'11 weighing about 150 lbs most of it being muscle. He often wore his blue and gold letterman jacket along with a plain t-shirt with a pair of blue jeans and tennis shoes. Oliver wasn't at all intimidated by him, he grew up around douchebaggery, and his apathy only fueled Flash Thompson's obsession with trying to be friends with him. Claiming his spot in the back with MJ was the smart thing to do, but he knew that Flash was "in love" with MJ and didn't want her to have to deal with his BS. But Oliver didn't want to spend home room in the front either, so he insisted on sitting in the middle of the classroom.

"Hey, Oli how goes it my dude?" Flash gave his trade mark smile.

"I told you not to call me that, and I'm not your dude."

"So rude, I thought we were friends man." He mocked a gunshot wound as if Oliver had shot him.

"Don't worry you can make it up to me later," Flash shot him a wink as if it was all funny.

"You are absolutely disgusting Flash," Oliver looked up to the girl joining the conversation.

Gwen Stacy looked every inch a supermodel, from her skin tight plaid dress she wore over her white long sleeve turtleneck, to her freshly curled blonde hair tucked into a brown bandana. Anywhere Flash went so did Gwen, it was obvious she liked him, despite how uninterested Flash remained. Taking her seat next to Flash, she gave Oliver a smile that he could read through. Gwen didn't like Oliver which would seem weird except for the fact that Gwen doesn't like anyone Flash hangs with. The definition of a pick me girl Oliver thought to himself.

The bell rang allowing Oliver to pull his attention away from them up to the teacher who called out attendance. Morning announcements came and went and the students were granted time to talk amongst themselves and work on any missing or late assignments. Oliver pulled out his History but got nothing done the rest of class.


Hey so yes I have decided to redo this story, I felt as if my writing style is too weird and I've actually fallen in love with 3rd person limited pov writing style. So bare with me as I am slowly adjusting to the new style.

Love you guys
Harley <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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