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Tommy was running in the forest trying to escape from Dream, suddenly he saw a potion on the ground that looked like a invisibility potion and

Tommy decided to drink it quickly without looking at the label because he was trying to hide. Tommy hid inside a nearby cave.

Tommy started to feel strange, his entire body started to go numb and he started panicking before blacking out.

Puffy was walking around the forest and heard a baby crying, she ran toward the sound because mothers instinct, she came up to the cave and saw a little baby boy in a pile of clothes crying. Puffy ran up and picked the baby up, he looked like he was a few months old, he had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Don't cry little one, I'm here don't worry." Puffy said rocking the baby. Puffy took the baby back to her home and found some of tubbos old baby clothes and some diapers.

"You know, you really look like Tommy..." Puffy said as she dressed the baby. Tubbo knocked on the door walked inside and looked shocked seeing his mom holding a baby.

"Where'd you find this little guy?" Tubbo said looking at the baby. "I found him abandoned in a cave, I know I might sound crazy but I think he might be Tommy..." Puffy said handing tubbo the pile of clothes.

"Th-these are Tommy's clothes..." tubbo said concerned. "Wait let me check something..." tubbo said pulling out his compass.

"This compass points directly at Tommy at all times... it's pointing at the baby..." tubbo said looking from the compass to the baby.

"Why is he a baby again?!" Puffy said holding up the baby and looking at him. The baby woke up and started crying. Puffy tried to calm the baby down but he just kept crying. "Let me try mum." Tubbo said taking the baby from puffy.

The baby immediately stopped crying and held up his hands and grabbed tubbos finger. "Definitely Tommy. He's already clinging to me." Tubbo said chuckling. "I think I'm going to leave him with you. I'll bring everything you'll need to your house" puffy said walking away.

"Wait mum- he's my best friend I'm not his dad! I don't know how to take care of a baby!" Tubbo said trying to get puffy to come back. "Looks like I'm a dad now I guess..." tubbo said looking down at Tommy.

"I was planning on visiting you today but I guess you visited me instead. I'll get you back to normal soon I promise Tommy." Tubbo said carrying Tommy to his home.

Puffy had already dropped off all of the baby supplies at tubbos house. "My mum is just as stubborn as ever." Tubbo said rolling his eyes.

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