Episode 01 The Beginnings

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It was in the middle of the desert as a mysterious man named Dante travelled across the middle of the desert as he looked at his maps.

Dante Guerrero:

" He said that he would meet me in this desert plains."  

Then, Andros showed up and brought a briefcase.

Dante Guerrero:

" Where is my package?"  


" I got here in my briefcase. I believe this package might help you a lot."

Dante Guerrero:

" Excellent work."  


" I managed to infiltrated the old abandoned military facility and steal the important artifacts and escaped without being noticed."  

Dante Guerrero:

" But that military facility was abandoned after an alien attack four months ago."  


" Luckily I just save those five important artifacts for you."  

Dante Guerrero:

" I'll be heading west, but I would be pleasure to working with you."


" It's okay man, I can treat you to a restaurant once I become the number one billionaire man in the entire universe."

Dante Guerrero:

" Deal is a deal."

Meanwhile, Zhane got received a report from Celina about the sightings of Andros in Eltar.


" Andros is in Eltar?"  

Celina Nuñez:

"Affirmative. He met a man named Dante for a negotiations."


" Just as I thought. Andros is now a rebellion. What else did you find?"

Celina Nuñez:

" Andros has a briefcase full of five artifacts."


" Alright. We keep monitoring their movements. If things got chaotic, we have no other choice but to take action."

Celina Nuñez:

" I'll be ready."

Meanwhile, Dante is heading westward as he reached a nearby military facility as he grabbed his morpher and morphed.

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