Not That I Hate You

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"Alright, pay attention everyone, as this is an important announcement, and will serve as a kick to having to end up in the highest honors." The teacher said, loud enough for everyone to hear in the back. The classroom was fairly huge with many students inside. At least fifty-five.

Joanne Roberts rolled her eyes. She didn't really want to be the stereotypical class ass hat but she just really didn't care about grades anymore, now that the school year end is a few months away.

"I have compiled a list of the students and their traits here, with the help of an observer. I can tell which of you students are different from each other." Joanne looked up and listened a bit more. The teacher had successfully caught the whole class' attention along with Joanne's.

"You will all be grouped into three. By the end of the school year a report about each other should be submitted to me as proof that you actually got along. Don't try to make your partners make the essays because we will be having a solo interview."

Everyone sighed. There was no way they could cheat this out, and they didn't get along well with certain kinds of people. The reports came from, probably a neutral student who participates in all the groups. They were even more screwed if the reporter snitch was to tell who they despised the most.

The teacher started giving out the names of the people who were teamed together. As the students' names were said, they all started getting gloomier and gloomier. There was the lucky one paired with their BFFs but they obviously were the ones that the teacher had hired. It was very suspicious. Everyone agreed internally that they wanted to hit them with a frozen sausage.

"Joanne Roberts, Michael Davis, and Sarah Louis."

Joanne bolted up from her seat. She had never wanted to beat the shit out of someone so much before. Before she could stand up and say something, Sarah did first.

"I don't want to be paired with a sinner! That weirdo even!"

"There you go again, talking like you're the most innocent person in this room just because you're religious!" They bickered.

Sarah Louis is a Christian. She was very religious, and she didn't tolerate anything that went against her beliefs. She absolutely hated Joanne because everyone knew she likes kissing girls in the school bathroom, and she was a witch. She liked alternative dressing and Sarah thinks its satanic to dress like that. Them having so many feuds and debates led up to them being enemies and genuinely hating each other.

"Girls, you both are just proving that you deserve to work with each other. Look at Michael, he's just silent and okay with this!" The teacher said. She sounded like a mother disciplining her kids.

"That is because Mike is a pervert." Sarah whispered. "Michael probably hates you, Sarah." Joanne said. "Girls, this is temporary. It's not like this will be the death of you. Stop making such a fuss about it. If you have a problem with it, then feel free to contact me at the faculty room."

The whole classroom fell silent. The ladies looked at each other before sitting down. They just hated each other that much. Even without the assistant snitch, everyone already knew about their rivalry, so they couldn't really be mad at the snitch, they have themselves to blame. The teacher continued on reading out everyone that has been listed.

After leaving the room, everyone looked very pissed. "You guys have to find your own way through this! Your classmates are your friends and family in the school, okay? You can meetup in the weekends and talk at lunch. Better yet, start later!" The teacher said, Few of them had hated the teacher, but Mrs. Smith was just too much of a kind lady to get pissed at.

The cafeteria was bustling as always with everyone being incredibly noisy. Joanne hated the noise, so she ordered and sat down her table as fast as possible. She didn't mind the bad table that was scrapped, with wood sticking out and marker pen written threats. She'd be lying if she ever felt threatened by them at all. Nobody sat with her, obviously, and to add salt to the wound, her project partner was just gossiping about her in their table. At least she assumed that was what she was doing.

Sarah wasn't really talking to anyone in her table. Just noticing her project partner look down after looking at their table made her feel very bad. Sure she was bad in her eyes, but Sarah wasn't the devil. She knew Joanne was uncomfortable, and she watched as she took her food to the school restroom. She just followed her to the restroom, giving the valid excuse to her friends that she needed to use it.

Joanne leaned against the wall and bit on her sandwich. She wasn't really sad about what was happening with her relationship with everyone. If anything she didnt give a single shit. Just because she kissed women? It was pathetic.

She was pathetic., thought Sarah, who entered the restroom.

"What. Are you here to make out with me or something?" Joanne said, biting her sandwich afterwards. Sarah gave her a disgusted stare. "I'm just here to use the bathroom." She said before entering one of the stalls. The place was silent, occasionally broken by the sound of sandwich wrapping plastic. Joanne looked at her food and stared at it.

"Hey Sarah? Do you hate me that much?"

The silence was very loud. It was deafening. Sarah, of course hated her but still felt bad. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She then heard footsteps walk out the restroom.

"Not that I hate you, I just-"

"What in the... Sarah are you talking to yourself?" Asked her friend. "No. Just practicing what to say to Joanne when we do something about the project."

"Ohhh so you call her by her name now?" her friend replied with a snarky tone.

"Oh. Sorry.."

"It's okay just get out of there! We'll be running late."

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