Chapter I:

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That booming relationship lasted 2 hours. Ayesha couldnt handle baby Mikey for that long, 'I'm already so annoyed with you.' whined Ayesha, 'b-but no! not yet!' baby Mikey begged, 'I told you we wouldnt last long' Ayesha said, baby Mikey finally accepted that Ayesha didn't want him. So he did what his heart told him to do. 'Look at you, Look at me, you deserve everything. your royalty. im just an average guy, Oh, yes its true but I know what to do when it comes down to me and you.' baby mikey said. 'I hate to have this happen, the way it has to happen. What I thought was perfect matching was a perfect mismatch and I think I owe it to you, to set you free because you'll be better, better off without me.' In that moment.. Ayesha felt a pang of hurt and despair in her heart. she felt desperate to keep baby Mikey, but she couldnt find any words to say. 'We gotta get real and leave this alone, we dont go together , we're so wrong for eachother. your a royal ghoul and I'm an average joe! i gotta understand.. that we have to break up!' Ayesh felt tears, so did baby Mikey. but this had to be set straight. 'sorry its over. s-sorry its over.. sorry its over! sorry its over.' baby Mikey repeated with guilt. ' you and i. we're so wrong. we're not perfect after all. and everybody knows, everybody knows that this is the end.' an uncomfortable silence was "heard" in the abode of baby mikey. 'Over time, I held you back. your just to good for me and I know thats a fact, this relationship, has turned to stone, i should get going now, im better off leaving you alone' Ayesha mustered up the courage to tell baby Mikey how she felt. 'Dont back away from me! this isnt like you, whats gotten into you? tell me who said what to you to make you do this?? think for a minute, I dont care what others have to say and neither should you!' Ayesha cried out. 'we gotta get real. and leave this alone.' baby Mikey said. 'dont leave me alone!' Ayesha said. Baby mikey didn't wanna do this, but in his heart.. it was for the best. 'we dont go together. we're so wrong for eachother' baby Mikey argued. 'You dont have to do this!' Ayesha begged. Oh how the turns have tabled. It had to be cut short cause of the breaking in of *Cliffhanger*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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