Chapter 8

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Logan POV

Did I have to graduate school on secretly yes yes I did.
I walked into the room to see Zara sleeping with a grape in her hand and some halfway in her mouth.
I smiled and walked to her and removed the grape from her hand and her mouth throwing them away I walked into my bathroom and grabbed a towel and wipe her face and hands gently.
She moved a bit but didn't wake up I kissed her cheek and went to the bathroom.
I turned on the shower and removed my clothes looking in the mirror I looked at my scares I had then touched my neck getting quick flash backs of when she broke my neck.
I snapped out of it and step in the shower putting my head under the water I breathe in and out relaxing myself.
I then feel hands wrapped around my waist I turned around too see Zara undress looking at me I smiled and kissed her forehead hugging her.
She shake her head gently between my chest which made me laugh.
Was all she said, we took a shower together I made sure to be gentle seeing her belly bump.
"Any baby names?" I asked her as I pulled down my shirt on me
"Not as yet we can discuss them now if you want"
she said walking out in one of my shirts and boxers.
I sat down and she dat next to me "boys names first then girls name?"
I asked looking at her which made her smile
"I didn't tell you have I"
she said with a smile
"you already know the gender?"
I asked
"No but it's twins"
she said which made my eyes widen "twins like two?"
I asked you which she nodded and lean on me.
"If girls how about Zoey and Lana" she said I noticed that their initials were after us
"If boys Logan and Landon"
I said she nodded too
"If a boy and girl, Logan and Zoey"
She said looking up at me I smiled and agreed.

We spent the rest of the night talking for hours and hours until we both fell asleep.

Zara POV

Okay I've been living in the castle for 3  months which made me 5 months the usual time for our spices baby's to born
I was currently sitting on the edge of the bed preparing myself to stand up to go to the shelf
I didn't want to wake up Logan because she's been helping me alot and she needed rest.
I took a breathe in as i stood up and as soon as I did Logan got up and speed over on my side to sit me back down "I'll get it for you where is it"
She said in a sleepy voice
"Baby I can get it"
I said looking up at her
"As my wife and Queen no I'll get it for you"
She said and looked around
I sighed and point at the water bottle on the shelf which she got for me we've been married for a month we haven't been crowned yet
we've decided to do that after the babies are born so they can get anointed as future leaders on the same day.
"Thank you"
I said opening it and taking a sip of it then watched her walk in the bathroom probably to get ready for her meeting that I basically beg her to go to.
I love her but she needs to get back to work people needs her assistant,
I have one of my most trust men dealing with my business.
I stood up again and that's when I felt wetness go from down my leg
"Shit LOGAN"
I screamed siting back down breathing heavy as she came running out naked with sug on her body completely sexy sight may I say but wrong timing
"My water broke"
I said in-between breaths which made her dash in the bathroom and back out with clothes on.
She lift me up and carried me to the doctors room they had in the Castle
"Rosie it's time"
she shouted as she rested me on the bed. Rosie the doctor came in and pushed her out the room and put on her gloved getting ready

Logan POV

I didn't understand why I couldn't be in the room but my mother could I sighed and rolled my eyes pouting on the side of the door waiting impatiently.
I listened in as I heard her screams as she pushed I should be in there holding her hands I pouted again and closed my eyes until I heard the first cried I stood up Infront of the door waiting to opened it I sighed frustrated and walked back and forth.
Until heard a different cry I stopped Infront of the door and in a few seconds the door opened and I saw Zara feeding our two babies I smiled and walked to her and sat next to her and looked at the two and kissed Zara's temple
"One boy One girl"


Hey lovely sorry for the late updates thanks for the vote and reads love you guys bunch❤️

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