From the Time-Stream history files of Braniac 5

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Note from Braniac 5: As I have encased these files in a time reset protector, these files can be used for reference in the case of a time stream change. Please leave files in containment room.

July 16, 2021 The Daily Planet: Missing: Any information regarding the whereabouts of 21-year-old Penny Thompson, owner of Mechanically Gifted has been asked to be given to police forces. Penny is a Hispanic woman of 21 years, her head is shaved completely, and was last seen leaving Dina's Pancake Diner during Clarion's attack on Metropolis last week, wearing blue coveralls. She was reported missing by Lois Lane. If you have any information of her whereabouts, safety, and condition, please call the Daily Planet. Article By Clark Kent. (Superman)

Justice League File #34666789110: Penny Grace Thompson

Female Hispanic/white biracial 19

Father: Edwin Thompson
Mother: Gracie Thompson ree Garcia


Note: Friend of Lois Lane. Gifted mechanic and hacker. Unknowingly assisted league during mission known as Crisis V when she hacked a prisoner ship under dirges that it was a criminal gang.

Status: MIA. Reported missing. Chances of being captured by league enemies are low. Possibility of death are low.

Is this all Technomancer wishes to know of "Missing: Penny Thompson"?

Command: search all files of or pertaining to Clarion's attack on Metropolis 2022.

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