The Legion

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As the portal opened back up, yellow bathed the room. The rest of the legion waited hopefully for the others to return.

"This was risky." Braniac 5 said. "There was a 76% chance there could have been major damages done to the time stream."

Saturn Girl put a supportive hand on his shoulder. "But we're all here, just as we should be Brainy."

"Techinically, if there was a change in the time stream, we wouldn't know it because as events would change our memories would as well."


They were interrupted as 5 figures came out of the portal.

Lightning Lad and Triplicate Girl stood triumphant, with the white-clothed one holding a bound and unconscious Time Jump.

"Great job guys." Saturn Girl Congratulated them as Phantom Girl and Karate Kid took Time Jump to a cell. "Anyone see you."

"Come on Saturn Girl, you know how we work." Lightning Lad said. "We were in, we were out, and everyone was none the wiser. Time stream catastrophe and change everted."

And that's when a young woman was flung through the glowing portal just before it closed.

She sat there, crumpled on the ground, looking up at the heroes: Lad, Saturn Girl, Triplicate Girl, Brainy, Cosmic Boy, Xs, and Chameleon Boy.

"Santo infierno." She gasped. She took in their suits. "Santo pijama."

She looked back to see no portal, no way home.

Then she jumped up and ran right past them out of the room.

They were highly trained heroes ready for any threat.

Civilians traveling through time, not so much. Braniac 5 recovered first.

Running over to his base-wide comms...

"Alert. Alert!" He cried in his ever-calm voice. "Time-displaced being in base. Appearance and portal suggests human from earth from recent time exertion."

"'Time stream catastrophe and change everted.' Eh?" Saturn Girl turned to Lightning Lad as they ran after the woman.

"Well, nothing's reset yet, has it?"

"Again, we would not notice." Brainy thew in.


Every hero in the base was searching for the timetraveler.

Dawnstar, one of the best trackers in the universe, hadn't found her in the hours they searched.

Everyone was in pairs, or threes, with someone who looked like a human.

Brainy thought it was be easier to calm the woman if she was talking to what appeared to be a human.

Chameleon was paired with Shrinking Violet, as both could become small enough to look in the vents and tight places. Plus Cham could shapeshift into a human if need be.

And that need may be as, while they were searching the vents, they had to split up.

As a tiny little mouse, Cham skittered through the long stretch of metal vents.

Suddenly, he noticed them coming to a terrifying (especially for a mouse) drop.

He tried to stop, but his mousy momentum sent him over and down a long chute.

No, not a chute, he noted as he fell a long way. This vent had collasped.

As if a person had been hiding here--

Legoniare Files: The Girl From 2022Where stories live. Discover now