Chapter 1

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The manhunt for Gellert Grindelwald lasted for months now. Over several continents, the Ministries of Magic of at least a dozen countries, and even Albus Dumbledore, were involved in the search, but Grindelwald was neither caught nor found.

That was, until now...

It was a cold, snowy December evening when the unlikeliest of wizards, quite accidentally, stumbled across the clue that led to the discovery of Grindelwald's hiding place.

Newt Scamander was not a man who went looking for an opportunity to duel or see his name in the newspapers. Quite to the contrary even: he usually stayed away as far as possible from things like that, but this information on Grindelwald's location looked very solid, and at least worth investigating.
Newt had simply overheard a couple of wizards talking in a tavern earlier in the evening, and he had to admit it all sounded way too good to be true. Still, it felt wrong to dismiss it as bollocks immediately, and only a few short checks later, Newt could only conclude that this might be the clue they had been hoping for.

Newt knew he had to act fast, or Grindelwald would slip through their fingers once again.
The information he found led to an abandoned estate in Scotland, not even that far from where Newt was now, and he decided in a split-second that he would go and check it out.
Supposedly, Grindelwald stayed there alone at the moment, but that could very well be a trap of course.

It would be dangerous, very dangerous even, but there was no time for doubt. Grindelwald had eyes and ears everywhere, and would know in a heartbeat that he had been discovered, so there was no time to lose.

Before he left, Newt sent word to everyone he could think of being involved in the manhunt here in Britain, but he would not wait for them. No, he had to act immediately.
He tried not to think of the possibility that he might not survive this, and what that would mean for his creatures. That he would escape the inevitable duel unscathed was unlikely, but Newt had made his decision: if he didn't act now, it would be too late. And he at least owed Dumbledore this level of commitment and faith.

So, for now, and probably against his better judgement, Newt set off on his own...

Newt Apparated at the beginning of a lane, lined with tall trees, that ended at a handsome mansion. One of the Scottish lochs in the distance reflected the moon overhead, and the fresh snow crunched softly under Newt's feet as he hurried up the lane.

The lack of defences as he carefully made his way to the mansion set Newt unbelievably on edge. It was highly unlikely that a wanted criminal and exceptionally skilled wizard like Grindelwald, would not have any defensive spells in place to fend off intruders. Still, so far, Newt encountered nothing.

The entire mansion was dark, except for one window on the ground floor. A faint light escaped through drawn curtains, betraying someone was in that room.

All of Newt's senses were in a state of highest alert as he approached the front door. At any moment, curses could start flying his way, and he knew those would not be innocent Body-Binding curses...

The front door of the mansion stood slightly ajar, almost as if to welcome him in. Newt pushed it open and stepped into the hallway, wand at the ready. He halted for a moment, looking sharply around for movement that announced an oncoming attack, but all remained eerily quiet and desolate.

"I must say, I am disappointed."

The voice came from the living room to the right side of the hallway. Newt apprehensively crossed the threshold, and found Gellert Grindelwald sitting in an armchair by the hearth fire.
Even though Grindelwald had his back turned to him, Newt knew very well that the wizard's wand was pointing towards him.

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