Chapter 7: List Item Six: Doyoung Watches the Sky Break Open

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Taeyong invites Doyoung over for the thunderstorm. His mom cooks them dinner while they watch out the windows as the world turns greener and greener, clouds churning thick overhead. Taeyong's dad and sister are playing chess at the table. Ruby is making the rounds, seeking affection from anyone who has a free hand.

And it's good. Doyoung's chest feels warm, for the first time in—maybe forever. He and Taeyong are playing cards, and the house smells like frying garlic.

Maybe Doyoung doesn't ever have to tell Taeyong everything. Maybe he can just bury it, and move on like that. Maybe this can be enough—a house that feels like home, and Taeyong smiling at him as he lays down a winning hand in a neat fan between them. Doyoung doesn't even mind that he's lost every round.

Dinner is relaxed and easy. It's a simple meal—just rice and tofu stew with some meat on the side—and Taeyong's mother insists on giving Doyoung the first helping.

"When do you head back to school, Doyoung?" Taeyong's father asks.

"Couple of weeks," Doyoung says.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

Doyoung's not sure how to answer. His sadness still sits like a stone in his stomach. He's not sure if he will go back—or if he does, what he'll do when he gets there. He kind of wants to stay in today, forever. He'd be okay with living, he thinks, if he could do that.

"Uh," he says. "Kind of? It'll suck to have Taeyong so far away, though."

"I'll be here for break," Taeyong says. "Will you?"

"I think so," Doyoung says. "But still."

"Yeah," Taeyong agrees. "Maybe it's better, though. Our time together will never be sullied by the horrors of school."

Everyone laughs softly. "Is it all horror?" Taeyong's sister asks. "I dunno, college has been fun for me."

"That's because you're smarter than me," Taeyong says. "It's easy for you."

"Hey," Taeyong's mom says. "It's starting to rain, you boys better finish up and get out there."

"Oh, fuck," Taeyong says, scooping a huge mouthful of rice into his mouth. "C'mon," he says to Doyoung, barely coherent through his food. Doyoung can't reply; he's busy chugging his soup.

They put on flip flops, shorts, and old t-shirts, and then sprint out into the backyard, careful to close the door behind them as fast as they can so the rain doesn't get in the house.

Taeyong tilts his head back, opening his mouth to catch the rain, and Doyoung realizes he's laughing; he can barely hear it over the sound of the storm. They see a flash of lightning; both of them yelp in delight, and then wait a few long seconds for the thunder.

Doyoung runs his hands through his hair, pushing the water off his face and drawing in a huge breath. The air is earthy and damp.

Taeyong pushes him lightly with a flat palm, giggling out, "Tag!" before sprinting across the yard.

Doyoung springs into action, letting out a short indignant yell and chasing after him, almost slipping in the mud forming beneath his feet. The rain pelts down around them as Doyoung chases Taeyong in circles around the yard, whooping out laughter as he tags him back and immediately switches direction, exhilaration making his heart pound.

Lightning flashes, and it feels like a switch flips inside Doyoung. Dread washes over him, then shame that comes with faint nausea. He stumbles, chest tight, and Taeyong almost runs straight into him. He barely feels it, too focused on trying to breathe, trying to think about anything but that, anything—

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