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A limo arrives at your character's house, the same limo from before, with the school's crest on it. It's 9:00 in the morning.

INSERT TEXT HERE about how your character's morning was. Did they get up early? Did their parents help get their luggage ready? Did they leave a pet with a friend?

The driver opened the door for (insert character name ) and nodded, taking their luggage. The driver had light blue hair and playful eyes as they slipped back in the front seat.

INSERT TEXT HERE about the car ride. Did it feel long? Short? Was your character nervous, excited, calm, tired?

Finally, (insert character name) arrived at Deitne academy, the castle-like school of gold and cream with a gigantic campus.

Other students swarmed the front gates, all filing in one at a time.

(Insert character name) got past the front gates with little delay and stopped as the intercom blared overhead.


INSERT TEXT HERE about your character going to the cafeteria. You can even have other character interactions.

When they got to the cafeteria, (Insert character name) pushed open the door only to see complete chaos as kids gathered in cliques, crowds, and groups, talking excitedly, standing on top of tables, and throwing backpacks even though everyone's suitcases had already been taken at the front gate, and, apparently, to the dorm rooms.

Dietne Academy An Empires Smp RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now