Are You Kidding?

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~Wag's POV~

Mot walks over to me as Carter goes back to sleep.

"So you're a follower of Carternite?" He asks.

"Yes, sir. She was my apprentice before everything happened." I reply.

"Interesting. So you do magic?" He questions. I nod.

"Can probably do a lot of pranks with that." He grins. I laugh.

"Mot! Wag!" Dianite shouts. Our attention is pulled back to Carter as she starts fading from view.

"No!" We shout in unison as she vanishes.

"Something must be keeping her attached to the other side...." Ianite murmurs.

"It's my other self. She said he was evil right? He must have captured her and is keeping her there.....and we can't get messages throught to the others...." I start panicking. Carter....I'm sorry.

~Carter's POV~

I glare at the Evil Waglington. He has me tied to a chair with tape over my mouth, and all he does is stare at me.

"If you're wondering why I decided to keep you here, it's simple. You're going to help me kill all the gods. But I need you to bring back the Dianite of this world." He grins wickedly at me. The worst part is that he looks just like my Wag, only the eyes are different. I close my eyes and try to focus to teleport myself out of here, but I don't know anything about this world. Only images in dreams. A sharp stinging pain erupts on my cheek as my head is flung sideways.

"Don't try to escape." He growls and slaps me again. He lifts my chin so I look into his face. Exactly the same as my Wag...but I knew better. Tears begin falling down my cheeks. I wanna go home...

~Jordan's POV~

Tom and I are searching for Wag. Our Waglington never came back, but we've seen the other one around. Tom is being careful since he is Dianite. Even the priest had no idea what happened to us. When we end up near Nade's castle, I rush to the pirate lair.

"Capsize!" I yell. A figure walks outside,

"Sparklez?" Her mellifluous voice floats through the air. Striding over to her I take her into my arms.

"I...." I had no words.

"I have grave news...." She murmurs. Tom and I look at her.

"An evil wizard has taken Carternite captive." She looks at us worriedly.

"No! She can't escape because she has no idea where anything is...." Tom punishes a wall.

"Tom you're Dianite have to find her." I growl.

"Wait! The evil wizard wants to kill all three gods of this land, then become a God himself." Capsize informs us. That's when I realize, in our world, if you kill the God, you become them.

"Tom we need to keep you hidden." I hiss and we immediately head to Jerry's Tree.

"Capsize, please bring Tucker and Sonja. We have to kill Evil!Waglington." I ask her. She nods and races to their house.

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