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First of all: Watch the video you see in this chapter! It fits the situation very well between Charlie and Lizzy in this story. :)

Second of all: A quick trigger warning for my lovely LGBTQIA+ members, there could be some offensive slurs/words used in this chapter. 

Have fun with reading! :D 

When the one last lesson ended for Charlies class, almost everyone was relieved and left the lesson with a happy feeling. This was the last day of school and the whole school was already doing the finishing touches for the summer holidays: final deadlines, handing in books and of course: outings with the class/school. Charlie walked down the hall with her girlfriend Elizabeth. Charlie calls her Lizzy and she loves her so much. When the two girls walk down the halls, Lizzy feels at Charlies hand. 'You're so. Hot. This weather and temperature makes you even hotter.' Charlie whispers in Lizzy's ear. 'Stop, you're making me blush!' She laughs. Charlie grabs her phone to check the time, she opens her phone and gets a greet from her pride flag wallpaper. The break at school started. 'Follow me.' Lizzy asked spontaneously. The two girls run, hand in hand around the schoolhalls, to the most local classroom. They saw a group of the popular boys and girls yelling weird stuff to them: "Ew, gross!" "That's SO gay, ew!" "You don't look like a lesbian, Charlie. I know, you looove attention!" Et cetera.

'You know what? Why don't you try kissing the same gender as yourself, fag? Maybe you can shut your mouth then and finally get the chance to experience soms positivity.' Charlie replied, showing them her middlefinger. Lizzy hugged her girlfriend and opened the door to the clean, big classroom. 'You deserve better, love. One of the popular girls is PROBABLY, secretly in love with you. The homophobes are just jealous because they can't get real love.' Charlie told her girl, while she was standing against a table. 'Don't worry, you're aaalll mine.' Lizzy replied with a huge smile on her childish face. Charlie started blushing and looked at the ground. Lizzy grabbed Charlies cheek and kissed her passionately on the lips. Charlie closed her eyes and was in heaven. 'My turn!' She laughed. She kissed Lizzy on her lips for 5 seconds. Lizzy smiled and stroked Charlies jaw, pulling her in a long kiss that lasts for a half minute. Then, they ate lunch in the classroom and kept talking about how summer holiday is gonna be. 'Lets watch some episodes of Amphibia?' Lizzy begged, with puppy eyes. 'Oh heck yes!' Charlie screamed and Lizzy opener her phone to find the episode to watch.


'So.. Break is practically over, lets go back to our final lesson of the year. I'm kinds nervous.' Lizzy told, looking at her unicorn watch. 'Uhm.. Yeah! So, lets see if the halls are empty, I don't wanna spend more time with homophobic people.' Charlie replied, grabbing her backpack. Lizzy held out her hand and Charlie grabbed it proud. She opened the door, looking for people. No one was there, so they left the classroom. At one point, the two girls hear a voice in the hallway, announcing that Charlie and Lizzy's class had to come to the schoolyard to gather. The teacher was waiting with a few other people at the benches, where the class was given an explanation about the activity. 'Welcome everyone. Today you will go to the forest for your last English lesson. This is an event that takes place in the forest. If you follow me you'll be fine and we'll be there in a few minutes." The attendant explained. He had on a sun hat that covered his face and army green clothing. Charlie looked around her and saw that the rest was already running to their bicycles to leave, she also ran towards the bicycle shed so that she could get on her bicycle.

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