Material desire's Chapter 1- part 1

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Hundreds if not thousands of gorgeous, magnificent blue flower petals came crashing down from high above upon me. Dozens of rows of flowers grew tall while the sky turned a light refreshing blue.
It was graceful, it was elegant, it was delightful.
Not even the smallest drop of rain could ruin such a sight.
It seemed like heaven itself, like a gift from the gods. A welcome home ceremony.
It was a breathe of fresh air.
It was a good night.
A perfect night.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see what looked to be a dust speck.
But then it grew bigger. And bigger.
It was a soldier.
And then there were two, then three, then four.
Then an entire army overcame the beautiful rows of flowers.
Every soldier toppling over them, cutting them, smashing them into the ground.
It was horrendous.
I began to breathe heavily seeing such gorgeous sights in so much pain.
That pain became sorrow.
And then, there was nothing left of them.
Both the soldiers, and the gorgeous flowers died. Crumbled.
Why did this happen again. I swore to protect you. My angels.
Wake up.
"Wake up lady Traviesa, it's time for your morning tea."
Sir Jonathan, a high class man. He's always done his job with great elegance. He's a man of his word. Jonathan has worked in this palace my entire life yet is still seen as a butler. Well, seen as a butler to others, to me he is just as noble as the rest of us.
"I apologize, it seems I was in deep slumber. Please, the tea if you may."
Jonathan moved a bit to the right and picked up a white kettle that was covered in blue flower pedals.
Every time I see this kettle it reminds me of the dream I have every night. The dream of the noche sangrienta, the bloody night.
When I was just a small child, there was a riot. A riot against my father. A nearby village was unhappy with the impuesto system. In this system, when villages would overpopulate, there would be 5 families chosen to be slaughtered. I never agreed with this system, but my father was the only one who had a say. It didn't matter if there was someone pregnant, if there was a child, if there was a happy married couple, if you were chosen that was it.
I remember three masked men breaking in through my balcony entrance. They took everything that was in sight.
It was remembered as the bloody night. Many people died that day.
It felt as if I was responsible even if I didn't know the attack would happen.
Everyone blamed the royal family.
And sadly, at that moment, I was apart of the royal family.
A queen in waiting.
Jonathan poured the steaming tea into a small taza while mixing in the castles fresh rich honey and 2 sugar cubes.
"Here is your schedule for the day your highness. In about 1 hour you must meet with his highness and lord santo for the tormenta event. He has requested you meet in the main hall of floor one. You also have to attend the linaje real greeting later on. Since you are the newest queen they will be expecting you."
I gently grabbed the cup out of sir Jonathan's hands and took a slow sip before answering.
"I understand, I will change my attire in just one minute. Thank you again Jonathan."
Jonathan bowed before turning around and heading out the wide bedroom doors.
Lady pepa and lady Paloma walked towards the end of my white bed.
"Your elegancy, we have picked a splendid dress for your meeting with the royals of the other nations. A white gown with almost ice looking frost at the bottom with a crystal blue corset and a matching crystal pendant." Lady Paloma was always fascinated with the idea of being able to help a queen.
She then sat down the shimmering dress on the bed.
Lady pepa then looks up with a questioning face.
"It has been quite a long time since the royal priest last came, do you know why there was such a sudden visit after all this time?"
Even I was unsure of the reason. Alejandro and I's marriage has already been finalized, so there isn't a reason that he'd come in regards to marriage. We have not had any kids yet so there's also no reason to come for a baptizing ceremony.
"Im not quite sure of the reason currently. I will have to have a talk with my husband, thank you girls for helping."
Both pepa and Paloma give me a warm smile before walking off.
I finally emerge from bed and walk over to my vestidor and begin to put my hair in a high up bun.
I prep my face after taking a soothing shower, and head back over to where my dress lyes.
I froze before rapping the corset around myself while putting on the huge skirt and gloves. I put the pendant around my neck and look at myself in the mirror.
The dress was gorgeous.
I hesitated before walking over to The bedroom doors.
I pressed the palm of my hand onto the handle before pulling it.
Outside was a row of butlers and maids waiting for my need. A began to walk down the spiral stairs as two maids followed.
While walking I remembered something my mother always told me.
"The world won't wait for you to catch up. Always be a step ahead."
I never thought I'd need those words.
I was blessed to be born into royalty, I didn't struggle like many others did.
I was lost in thought.
I hadn't realized that I'd arrived at the main hall already.
I don't know what's came over me. I feel off today.
El Rey Alejandro, the king of this kingdom. The man I was forced to marry.
I tall man with black hair running down his back and olive like skin. Shining brown eyes and a voice of a god.
"You've finally decided to join us." The priest turned around looking me directly in the eye.
"Excuse my tardiness. I had a little step back this morning."
I walked up the Alejandro and the priest before greeting them both.
"Now than we have both royals here, we can now begin the discussion."
The priest looked at me with drought full eyes before speaking again. The tension was unbearable. It seemed that Alejandro also did not know why the priest all of a sudden visited.
"The people of the kingdom now see you both as a married couple, which is a very big step. With this step comes great responsibility that I must talk with you both about. Something people are going to be looking for is a pregnancy announcement."
I was stunned.
A pregnancy announcement? We are both still young, and newly married.
I looked over at Alejandro to just see that he had a blank face.
This was all so sudden to me. The marriage, becoming queen, and now having to think about having a child.
There was only one thing I could do, which was listen to what the priest was saying,
"As a queen, it is my duty to do what I think is best while also making the people happy. If that's what they want then so be it."
The priest and Alejandro both looked at one another.
It almost felt like a trap.
Like something or someone had me by my neck.

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