OC Oneshot

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He is staring at me. He does that a lot, and it makes me feel loved, for I know he will not let me come to harm. I giggle and smirk to myself, ready to tease him. I unbutton the top of my shirt and begin to fan myself. It is a hot day and I am sweating down my neck. He notices and blows a soft gust of wind with his magic, cooling me down. I cant help but laugh at his innocence, not upset that my plans of tormenting him have failed.

"What?!" He asks, confused about my outburst. "What have I done wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing, my love."

The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop myself. Never have we clarified the way we feel about one another. I love him, that I know for sure. And he loves me too, but in what way, I do not know. I can only pray that it is in the same way as I do, or I will be rather embarrassed.

He stares at me still, but this time it feels different. Like something has clicked for him. I am about to apologise when he pulls me in close, barely any space between us. My breathing has quickened, and his heart pounds close to me, I can hear it loud and clear.

"May I kiss you?" He asks me after a moment. I blink, confused and yet excited.

"Please do." I say.

I cant help but coo over how adorable he is, and how considerate he is to ask for consent. Most people would get caught in the moment, and just go for it. They do not want to ruin it, they say, they want the moment to be perfect. But his asking made the moment absolutely spectacular for me.

He leans into me and kisses my lips softly. I melt into his touch. This is my first kiss, and from what I've gathered, his too. His hands move around to embrace me tighter and kiss him back. It is a bliss, to say the least. I cannot even comprehend the emotions I feel, let alone explain them. He pulls away for a moment, for us to breathe, and then we are back together, kissing deeply and lovingly. His arms do not leave my waist as we kiss, and I've never felt so secure and protected.

"I love you," he tells me after he pulls away again. "I have loved you for a while."

"Same here." I say. "I have always admired you, ever since you showed me kindness on the day I came here."

"Why didn't you say anything?" He pouts. "I was going crazy, thinking you didn't feel the same."

"I'm pretty sure everyone can tell I feel the same." I laugh.

"I apologise for being stupid then."

"Don't. You're not stupid." I say, and give him another kiss. "You're just oblivious."

Tazar smiles and looks away, shy. I giggle and make him face me again. I push our heads together and stare into those beautiful hazel green eyes of his. They're full of anticipation and excitement. i wonder what he sees in mine.

"You're pretty," I tell him. He blushes and thanks me.

"You're beautiful."

"You're stunning."

"You handsome."

"You're gorgeous."

"You're...another synonym for those words." He says, flustered and pissed that he can't think of anything else to describe me. "But know that you are the only man, only being, that I have ever laid eyes on this way."

It is my turn to blush. I have never felt love for anyone before, but if this is the way it feels, then I never want to stop.

A/N: This is an OC oneshot- I have a story coming along but it's not progressing much

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