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Everything was black. Kurama couldn't see, hear, or even feel anything. The only thing he had was his thoughts. He didn't know if he was going to be gone for good or if by some chance he was going to form his body again. And if he did he was sure the people he knew would be long dead.

His thoughts on the future wouldn't last long because he started to feel his surroundings again and their was sounds being heard. All of this would have been great for him but for some reason he felt weak. Too weak. It felt like someone had split apart most of his chakra again.

Slowly opening his eyes he sees that he was in the middle of nowhere. He was in a desert and for a second the thought he was in the land of wind but that was put out of question after trying to figure where exactly he was. He couldn't sense a single person's chakra and what had really confused him was that there was something high up in the air moving at an alarming speed. It was hard to make out exactly what it was but he knew something was up there.

"Where am I? Wait. What is wrong with my voice!?" Kurama shouts.

Getting up he quickly he notices why. He was small. He was still big being about the size of two or three humans. But his voice wasn't as deep and threatening like it used to be. To him he felt like a small child and it was embarrassing to him. No one would take him serious after looking at him. Especially if his voice was like this.

Using the strength he had he tried to make a tailed beast bomb which he succeed in doing. But after launching it in the ground it didn't have the same affect like he thought. It made a descent size crater blowing everything up near it but it still wasn't near the power that he wanted it to be. To him it was extremely weak.

"No! No! No! This can't be happening! I refuse to believe that I am small and weak! I am the strongest tailed demon the world has ever seen! This is unacceptable!" Kurama shouts angrily but anyone seeing this would think this was adorable.

Making another beast bomb he launches it again having the same affects. His small body just couldn't do what his bigger body was able to do.

Having another tantrum he falls back on his butt as he puts two of his paws on his head. His tails swayed around him as he started to think to himself.

'I'll have to start all over from zero. I'll have to slowly get back my strength before going to full potential. This isn't my world anymore, so I'll have to be careful.' He thought.

While he was thinking he sensed a group of people heading his way. None of them seemed to stand out besides one. His power was higher than what a regular human should be.

Looking around he sees a group of people walking his way looking for something and than their eyes look his way. They all freeze before getting into a defense stance.

"I'm guessing that was the thing that caused the strong readings."

"Be careful. We don't know what it's capable of."

"There is now way that ball of fluff caused those readings and all of these craters. I mean look at it."

"It's a nine-tailed fox. This is unbelievable. This fox could infact be the one who did this."

Kurama hearing them can't help but roll his eyes. He would have been mad for the person that had called him a ball of fluff but Naruto's influence on him had made that more of an annoyance.

"I find it hard to believe that a small and adorable creature like this could do all this damage."

"Adorable! Who you calling adorable! I am the great kyūbi! The nine-tailed beast!"

Hearing him all of their eyes widen hearing him talk. They knew he was an intelligent creature because of the face he was making but speaking was on another level.

"Did...Did he just talk?"

"Yes. We all heard it loud and clear."

"Humph. Even in this world you humans are still easy to frighten."Kurama says with a toothy smile.

"I would say surprised. And what do you want with our world?"

"There is no need to be alarmed. If I wanted you dead. I would have disintegrated your bodies a long time ago."

"Yes. Telling us how you would kill us, sure is calming us down." A man encased in armor sarcastically says.

"I won't bring any harm to you all unless you become hostile towards me first." Kurama tells them but some of the still stay on guard.

Sighing to himself. Kurama rest his head on his hand looking at them bored. He knew his explanation on why he was here was going to be long if they didn't trust him.

"Look all I know was that i died in my world and than woke up here. End of story."

"We will still have to keep an eye on you. Especially since you did all this damage by yourself."

Hearing this kurama growls having memories of the way he was treated back than. Almost everyone wanted him for his powers. He wasn't going to let them lock him up in a cage again only to be used as a tool.

"Wow! It's just for safety reasons. And besides. We're the safest bet you have in getting a peaceful life. If the wrong people see you they'll try to capture you and use you as a weapon."

Kurama looks at them as he narrows his eyes at them suspiciously. "And why should I trust you. How do I know you aren't like the people you speak of."

His tails swayed back and forth as his eyes darted from one person to the next. He was sizing them up.

Putting their weapons away one of the holds his hands out trying to be as nonthreatening as he can.

"Well for a start. My name is Steve Rogers." The man says introducing himself.

"Call me Kyūbi no Yōko or just Kyūbi for now. I will only give you my actual name until I fully trust you."

"Fair enough. We'll have to take you with us. The longer you stay in the open, the more potential eyes that could be on you."

"And where exactly are we going?" Kurama says stretching as he gets up.

"To our headquarters. Since you are new to this world. We'll have to give you some knowledge about ours. And to keep you from prying eyes."

Trusting the people he was with kurama decided to approach the situation like this. He felt that they wasn't lying and he didn't send no bad intentions from them. But he couldn't help but think if this ship was able to hold his weight as he approached it.

How was the prologue. I hope it got some of you hooked to the story. The chapters will be longer as it progresses. And if you have any questions about the story don't be afraid to ask me.

Kurama Reincarnated In The Marvel Universe Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin