Chapter 1

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Kurama had decided to shrink his body, so his weight wouldn't cause any problems. He was the size of a small dog and the looks that was coming his way didn't make him feel any better. Looking out one of the windows he couldn't help but stare at awe at the tall buildings that was reaching the sky. The technology they had was way more advanced than his own world. It would have taken a few years for them to get to this point.

While he was still looking outside another man in a lab coat looks at him closely from a distance.

"Can I help you?" Kurama questions him.

"Sorry. It's just there are myths of nine-tailed foxes like you in our world. You aren't exactly how they described you."

"And how were they described?"

"It was said that they possessed paranormal abilities that increase as they get older and wiser. Some used it to play tricks on people with some of them even being cruel. While others were faithful guardians, friends, and even lovers."

"They also didn't reach the size that you was earlier and instead could even transform into a human."

"These foxes you're talking about sound weak. They sound more like a regular fox that is just smarter than some mythical creature." Kurama says as he sits down.

"Well they're myths. There hasn't been any real proof that they're actual living creatures like them. There has been many attempts in finding proof of them but they all fail in doing that."

"They wouldn't being doing that if they knew about me. I was regarded as a demon in my world. A monster that had to be caged up and my powers to be forcefully be used for their selfish needs."

"I formed a deep sense of hatred for the humans for using me. It wasn't until I meet my first and only friend that my view of most of them changed. Knocked some sense into me." Kurama says frowning a little knowing that he may never meet him again.

The man in front of him looks at him as if he knew exactly what he was talking about. Getting closer to him he tries to cheer him up.

"We will try everything we can to get you back to your world. And we will never use you like that. I...I kind of understand how you feel."

Kurama nods his head giving him a silent thanks as he turns around.

"I don't think that will be possible though. I don't think their is a way for me to go back home." Kurama says walking off towards a corner and curling up in a ball as his ears went downwards.

He was by himself all over again. Alone and probably forgotten and he was now in a different world that he knew nothing about. Closing his eyes he partially fell asleep while keeping his senses up.

While kurama was dozing off the avengers were all doing their own things.

"How is the fox holding up?" Steve says.

"I think it went to sleep. I still think it's amazing how something so small can cause that much damage." Bruce says in amazement.

"Well let's just hope he doesn't go all hulk. Dealing with him and the fox will cause us major trouble."

"Thor you have any leads about who are friend may have come from."

"I don't have any, but I do know that he is a very powerful beast. He is not to be taken lightly."

Just as they were making their way towards the tower they received a messaged of a hydra base in Sokovia. They also found out that strucker may have even been there.

"It seems our plans have changed. We finally found out a known hydra base in Europe." Steve says.

Turning the jet around they all get ready to for the mission they were about to go on. Kurama hearing all the commotion opens one of his eyes as he looks at them. Natasha the only female in the group makes her way to kurama who looks at her curious. But his curiosity than turned into panic when she reached her hand over his head. She was trying to pet him.

"Wh-What are you doing!?" Kurama shouts avoiding her hand like it was poison.

"Don't tell me you never been petted before."

"Of course I haven't! Who do you think I am? Some short of house pet!?"

"Well you do look like one. I can guarantee you that if any kid seen you they would suffocate you from hugging you."

Kurama's eyes widen making him look comically. Natasha seeing his face can't help but smirk. Seeing her smirking he jumps down on the floor before trying to play it off.

"Where are we going?"

"Trying to change the subject i see. But to answer your question, a mission just popped up. We're heading there now."

Kurama ears perk up after hearing this. "This could be a good start to gauge my powers. I need to figure out just how much I can still do."

"Your not coming with us once we get into combat. You're going to be staying here once we land. We don't need hydra having their eyes on you."

"What! You think I'm just going to wait here and sit here on my ass the whole time. I'm over 1000 years old. I'm not a child."

Natasha sighs as she looks at the small fox who only narrows his eyes at her not taking a no for an answer.

"Fine. But you're staying close to me at all times."

Kurama turns his head before grumbling. "I can't wait until I get my full body back. Making me stay close to her like I'm some ninken. Let's see what you'll do than."

"What's a ninken?" She says curious.


"You know one of these days you're going to have to tell us about you right."

"And I'm not looking forward to that." He says as his ears drop down.

Natasha shakes her head at his antics. This fox or Kyūbi as he puts it was very interesting to her. She understood why he was all secretive but the way he tried to keep it to himself only made him look cute. But nonetheless she was going to try and get him to open up slowly.

"You know. For a fox you're very grumpy."

"I wonder why. Waking up in another world. Catching a ride with people I don't know. And to top it off you all woke me up from my sleep."

"If it's sleep you want. You could always stay in here when we land and get it."

"That's not what I...Shut up." He says embarrassingly as Natasha covers her mouth as a laugh starts to come out.

"Just be prepared once we get there. And make sure you stay close to me. We don't need you disappearing on us."she says backing up.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Wake me up when we get there." Kurama says going back to sleep.

As they all wait for there arrival to their mission. They all could be seen doing their own things trying to make the time go by. It was only going to take a few hours until they arrived in Sokovia and they would soon found out more about Kyūbi and what he could do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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