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The ship rocked in the waves. They had unfortunately steered into the eye of the storm while trying to get out of it. The crew was up on deck trying to get out of the windy mess. Izzy shouted out orders left and right while the crew members frantically ran from corner to corner, desperately trying to keep the ship on track.

Blackbeard however, was staying as calm as he could.
He leaned back against the door leading to the kitchen, watching the ruckus with tired eyes. Obviously, this wasn't his first big storm out at sea. I mean he was Blackbeard after all. Blackbeard, the fearless, brave, dangerous pirate that never backed down. Never showed mercy. That's who he was now, and that's who he'll stay as. A ruthless monster.


He perked up, eyes wide. What was that? Who had called out to him? It didn't sound like anyone on the ship. He looked out in the direction where it came from. The sea.
The water and sky were dark, making it hard to see what was out there. The only thing his eyes could make out were a few rocks from the distance. He sighed, it was probably just the wind. Yet it stuck with him. It stuck to his brain and ears, repeating again and again with the same beautiful voice. It seemed so familiar, yet so different.


There it was again. This time he couldn't forget about it, he couldn't let go. He looked everywhere and all he saw was his crew struggling to ahold of the sails.
That didn't matter now, all he could think about was that voice. That gorgeous, delicious voice kept playing over and over again. He couldn't get enough of it. He wanted to follow the voice. To meet the person who called out to him, to embrace them. He felt his body get warm, and the rain and yelling drifted away from his mind. All he could hear was the waves. It felt magical or unreal.
"Come to me, my love. Come to me and we can finally reunite."

It was him. No wonder he found the noise familiar, it was him. Stede. Was it really him? Had he finally found his lover? It couldn't be, yet he wanted it so badly. He could almost feel his presence. It was almost like the night disappeared, leaving the sea to itself.

"It's me, Ed."

A face slowly appeared from the waves of the storm, a body emerging from under the water. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was him. He was only inches away. He could hug him right then and there, oh how he wanted to touch him. To feel his skin once again, to be blessed by his caring smile. He reached out ready to hug him, to touch him. To be with him once again. They were so close, it all felt so real.
His face was wet. Not from rain, but from tears. He was crying. The moment was so beautiful that it made him cry. Not from sadness, but from joy and love. They were together again. All he had to do was climb over the railing, then he could be with Stede once again.

Suddenly he felt cold hands grab his shoulders, prying him away from his golden-haired lover. He kicked and yelled, desperately trying to get back to him. He didn't want him to leave him, not again.
The rain poured down onto his face, the lightning screaming into his ears. He lost him. No, he was taken away from him. He was gone. Out of sight, nowhere to be seen.
Izzy grabbed Ed's shoulders, shaking him, trying to get him to snap back to reality. It all happened so quickly, like a light switch being switched off.

"Are you even listening to me? You could at least give me a fuckin' apology for Christ's sake."
Izzy spat, looking displeased at Blackbeard.

"An apology? For what?"
Blackbeard hadn't really been paying attention, his mind still centered around the man he almost got to hold.

"I saved your life, dimwit! You could've fallen overboard with how close you were to the railing."
Izzy glared at his captain, questioning why he even saved him. He could have easily let him die and token control of the ship.

"I had to save us all from drowning because you were distracted with God knows what...not to mention your crew being clueless. What the hell were you looking at anyway?"

Ed looked at him blankly.
How was he supposed to explain? He knew Izzy wouldn't believe a thing and think that he was just going insane, so he couldn't tell the truth. He was still processing everything.

"I thought I saw a lighthouse, that's all."

Izzy looked at him, trying not to throw him overboard himself.

Izzy scoffed and walked away, mumbling and cursing under his breath.
Ed stood there, glancing over to the sea. The storm was far in the distance now, the ship finally at rest. The sun was setting, creating a yellow glow on everything it touched. His tears were almost golden, glistening from the sun. Everything was beautiful at such a horrible time.

He was right, it was too good to be true.

Notes: again, im very sorry for how short this was!!! I usually just write ideas that pop up in my head

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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