Part 5: The Underworld

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*Setting: A new dimension, lava falls everywhere, strange red-ish blocks made up the terrain, as well very odd creatures & ores scattered around*

Suddenly XD opened his eyes to a harsh brightness from the  lava falls near his portal.A few moments later his eyes had adjust to the harsh new setting. XD had fully walked out of the portal and started to take in ever little detail he could. Suddenly a blood humanoid cry filled the air.

XD quickly he drew his bow and looked for the source of the noise, confused from where it came he'd spun in a full one eighty. Once he was back facing the way he'd walked out the portal, a huge white creature with tentacles was starting right at him.

  Not sure if this beats was hostile, XD wasn't taking any chances.In a split second he drew his bow and fired at the massive floating beast.As the arrow hit the beast it once again let out the strange cry.He had fired two more arrows to slay the red eyed beast.The beast dropped a single tear when slayed. XD decided to collect it unsure what's it be useful for. Cautiously XD continued to walk away from the portal, he noticed more odd creatures how ever they seemed peaceful.

  These creature where shorter then him but not to short, they where nearly shoulder height to XD. Their flesh was a pink colour and their face was that of a pig, with green mold that separated the exposed bone from skin. The only clothing they wore where brown rags around the waist, and majority of them carried pure gold swords.Not wanting to cause a fight XD kept his distance from the strange pigmen.

Few moments later XD stumbled upon a massive lava lake, however the structure that stood in the middle of it is what caught his eye.He assumed this was the fortress the villagers told him that housed the creatures called blazes. Unsure on how to reach the fortress, XD looked all around for any land that connected to the fortress.Near an opening was a small land mass that was so close to touching. XD made his way around the deathly molten rock carefully as not to slip into it.

Once he's reached the spot he soon realized it was still not quite as close as he'd like. About a six meters gap separated the cliff an fortress. Already feeling exhausted from the travel up the to the cliff XD wasn't gonna back away now. He decided he was to jump it. No matter what, he came so far sure as hell he wasn't gonna back down now.

XD back up as far as he could, took a deep breath, made sure he's makeshift bag was secure to himself then he ran. He ran as fast as he could and leaped for the platform.

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