Chapter 48: Battle With The Empire Part 5

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Testarossa calmly walked to where she was sensing a strong magic power. She was moving in a casual way without a care in the world as she entered the room with the power she was sensing. She walked inside the room and saw a man with black hair and short shaved black beard who was wearing a military outfit.

The man looked at Testarossa and smiled "I am Graneet, Guardian of the Empire and single digit rank three"

Testarossa wearing her military outfit curtsied at him "My name is Testarossa, Faithful servant of Demon Lord Rimuru"

Graneet nodded "Now I have a proposition for you"

Testarossa looked a little surprised before her smile returned "And what proposition is that, if I may ask?"

"It's simple really. I have investigated about you and I know about the blood red sea incident and your involvement in that incident. You are obviously a strong demon with lots of potential. I don't mean to brag but I've defeated a lot of strong people before in the past, so I think I'm pretty good at it. Even so, I think you fit the category and a demon lord is obviously no match for the likes of you" Graneet told her

"Ara, thanks for the complement Graneet-san but what are you implying?" Testarossa asked

"I was surprised at how strong you are. Kondo and Damrada were unhelpful, as the intelligence Bereau's negligence brought us this crisis in the Empire. Since the lost is more than expected, it will be more than a showdown between our two nation. So I thought I'd stop you here and make you take an oath to be one of soldiers. If you surrender, I promise that no harm will come to you" Graneet explained to her

"Ara~ara~ara, that is an interesting proposal. What will happen to Lord Rimuru after I join you?" Testarossa asked her

"It's a shame, but Demon Lord Rimuru is too dangerous. In order to confirm your loyalty, you will assist us in crushing him. Don't worry about the other demons, if they surrender like you have, then no harm will come to them, but Demon Lord Rimuru is a different story. As unfortunate as it is, he would have to die due to how dangerous he is" Graneet told her

Testarossa was smiling on the outside but deep inside she was boiling. How dare this mere ant say something like that about her beloved lord Rimuru. Death will be too merciful after she is through with him. For now, she remained calm and kept smiling.

"I'm sorry to inform you Graneet-san, but I have no intension of betraying my Lord

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"I'm sorry to inform you Graneet-san, but I have no intension of betraying my Lord. We demons pride ourselves in following the strong, so how can you make me this offer when you are nothing but an ant before me?" Testarossa asked him in a mocking way

Graneet became confused with Testarossa response "What do you mean by an ant? I am clearly stronger than you, so why refuse. This offer is the best for you giving that you are not as strong as me. Your master is doomed to die the moment Lady Velgrynd chose to fight him. You should reconsider your stance while the offer still stands"

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