part 1

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"Y'know.. Ive never understood why she would do this to me at such a young age" i said to my best friend, emmy. "Maybe it was for the best" they reply. I stop to think for a minute. "maybe.." I say, allowing my face to plop onto my pillow. Emmy and i have been having sleep overs for as long as i can remember. I first met them when I moved to new york. "I just wanna know my purpose" i say, my words muffled by the pillow. "You know your purpose, its just a matter of time" emmy reassures me. I have always wanted a family of my own, seeing my mom raise me really inspires me to be a great mother, just as she is to me. "I know you were young, but there has to be a reason she felt the need to move here.. Maybe its because youll find someone!!" Emmy says, giggling. "Shut up" i say, still muffled by the pillow. I sit up and look at emmy. "You really think so?" I say softly. "I really do" emmy replies before standing up. "I should get going" they say. I watch them gather their things, and they walk over and kiss the top of my head before walking to the door. "Love ya!" They say. "I love you too!" I reply, but emmy was already gone. I stand up and walk over to my laptop. I had been behind on work for the past few months, so i decided to catch up on some of that.
I stand up after finishing some work, i walk out into the kitchen and im greeted by my mom. "Hi honey! I saw emmy leave, I was wondering what you were doing?" She questions, sitting a smoothie in front of me. "Just catching up on some work" i reply softly. "Thats great! Oh- i forgot to tell you, you know the neighbors the tatums?" I nod in reply. "Well their son is in town and hes your age! Maybe you should go talk to him?" I look up at her. "Mom.. I dont know ab-" she cuts me off "listen. I just want you to find someone to make you happy. Give it a try."
I nod again, finishing up my smoothie. I stand and hug mom. "Thanks for breakfast. Ill go talk to the neighbors" I say softly. She smiles at me and i walk back into my room. I throw on a hoodie and some shorts, i quickly put my hair up and i was on my way.

I knock on their door and this guy answers the door. I had seen him before but i didnt know where from. He was beautiful. "Hi" i say, looking up at him. "Hi, can i help you?" He replies. "Oh uh- my mom told me to come and meet you.. So i did" i say. He smiles. His smile was so precious. "Your mom must be juno?" He says, signaling for me to come in. "Yep. How did you know" i reply. "She stopped me this morning, she told me she had a daughter and said we were around the same age. She said she worries about you" i nod. "I know" I say. He walks me into the living room and we sit on the couch. "Im channing" he says. "Y/n" i reply. A short and sweet lady walks into the living room from down the hall. "Channing honey, who was at the door?" she asks. "Its the neighbors daughter" she comes up to me and hugs me. "Hi, im kay, channings mom" she says, smiling softly. I introduce myself and talk to her a little before she went back down the hall. "Hey uh.. Im going to this party this weekend. Would you wanna go?" channing asks, looking in my direction. "Im not a big party person" I say, looking at him. "Its more like a get together, a few friends thats all. Ill be with you the whole time" he says, trying to convince me. "Fine.. What do i wear?" I say. "Whatever you want. I would go with something similar to what you have on so you can be comfortable." He says, smiling. "What are you smiling at?" I say, then i feel a smile rise on my face too. His smile is so contagious. "Im glad youre going with me" he says, looking into my eyes. He made me feel something. Something ive never felt before. What is this feeling?

that is all

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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