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     RAYS OF THE NEWLY RISEN SUN SHONE BRIGHTLY THROUGH A HUMONGOUS WINDOWPANE, illuminating the usually dark bedroom. The bed's occupant, who was not in bed, grumbled in irritation as he took notice of the sun and the time it represented.

     "Well, shit."

     With a heavy sigh, he stood up from the wooden chair and made his way over to a cabinet filled with an assortment of books and placed the one he was previously reading. He did not bother changing out of the loose grey t-shirt and jogging pants he calls pajamas, having no motivation to do so and preferring to do it later that day. He then went on and made his way over to the open balcony that had the perfect view of the very busy city, a cup of steaming coffee in his hands. His blue irises scanned over the area, watching as every single person goes on with their day.

It had already been a recurring custom to him that he would observe the city of New York every single morning. He never knew why, but there would be times wherein his guts would knot up out of nowhere. It was as if something was telling him to expect a big threat. A threat bigger than what had occurred a few months prior. It made him restless, not being able to know anything that may lie ahead of their lives.

Some unkempt strands of his raven-black hair danced freely as the wind graced the air. It was then that he noticed the dry, yellowish-orange leaves falling off from the trees all over the area.

Six months.

Six months have already passed since that fateful day, yet he still finds himself in the same hole of guilt. He knew that there was no other way - out of fourteen billion, six hundred and five possible outcomes, the one path he chose was the only path to victory. He did what was necessary, no matter how devastating the consequences of that course of action would be. He did the hardest decision nobody else would have done for the sake of the greater good.

A few, hefty sacrifices had to be made for them to emerge victorious. They still lost some people along the way, while some were left to deal with the emotional damage inflicted by the aftermath of the conflict. And that's what has been haunting him the most.

Somehow, he still felt like they lost. He couldn't find a victorious path that did not necessitate such heavy of a sacrifice.

And he is aware that, even if they do not admit it, some people hated him for the choices he made.

"Site-seeing again, Strange?" Stephen Strange turned to his companion who joined him in the balcony, his cup of hot tea held in his hands.

"Good morning to you too, Wong," he replied. When he didn't hear a snarky remark thrown back at him, he glanced back at Wong only to see him raise his left brow at him. "What?"

Wong rolled his eyes and sighed, turning back to the view of the city. "Would it really hurt you to give respect when in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme?"

Ah, yes. Due to Stephen being one of the unfortunate to be dusted when Thanos succeeded in collecting the Infinity Stones, the spot for the title of the Sorcerer Supreme was opened, leaving Wong to assume the position. And yes, Stephen still can't get over the fact that he now has to answer to Wong.

"Yep, that's not going to happen any time soon," Stephen replied.

"Whatever," Wong muttered, to which he could only chuckle. "I'm going back to Kamar-Taj today to oversee some things. I'll be back by the end of the week."

"Yeah, sure, go ahead so I can have peace in here for once," Stephen joked as he took a sip of his coffee.

His mind trailed off when he spotted one particular person walking down the busy street, laughing at something the man she was with said. Stephen watched the couple with envy and regret. How he wished things were if he just managed to find that one outcome where everyone wins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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