The day after episode 9

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"Jake..." whispered Hailey.

Jake turned to see Hailey sitting at the desk on his right. He expected her to be angry, but she didn't look it. On the other hand, maybe she was just good at hiding her anger.

"Hey Hailey," Jake whispered back nervously.

"Can we talk after class?" asked Hailey.

"Sure, but if Zander sees us together I'm dead."

"I won't let that happen."

Jake attempted to listen to the rest of the lesson, but was unable to focus. Fortunately, a few minutes later the bell rang to signal the end of class.

Jake and Hailey met outside the classroom. "Let's go up to the rooftop and talk there," suggested Hailey.

Jake gave her a silent nod in reply.

Once they arrived at the rooftop, Hailey turned to Jake. "Yesterday you said that you didn't mean a word of anything you said, and that the guys egged you on. Is that true?"

"Yes. Drew was angry when he heard that you were singing with me, and said that you and the club were using me. And the others started saying how one of the club members was trying to steal Daisy from me. I was under so much pressure and that's what came out, but I never meant any of it. I never should have listened to them. Please believe me!"

"I believe you Jake. Also, I don't think any of the club members would try to steal Daisy, we all know you like her."

"You do?"

"It's pretty obvious, I can tell that she's very special to you," replied Hailey with a forced smile.

"Actually, I think I'm finally over her. She's cute, intelligent, and somehow always manages to make me feel 100x better. But my friends were right, I was just a simp caught up in a one-way crush. The club showed me how it feels to be around people that genuinely care about you. Anyway, what I meant was, you believe me?"

"Yes, Jake. I don't know about the rest of the club, but I still care deeply about you, and don't want to believe that you would deliberately try to hurt us like that."

 "So, do you think I can join the club again?"

"If it were up to me, then maybe, but I don't think the others are going to agree to let you back in anytime soon."

"Huh? But you're the club president."

"Club president, not club dictator. I have to take into consideration the views of the other members."

"Then put it to a vote."

Hailey shook her head. "We had a deal, Jake. If you're ever rude, or step out of line with any one of us, then you're out. I know you regret it, but you broke the deal. It wouldn't be right for me to just let you back in unless everyone agreed to it."

"Do you think they'll forgive me?"

"I'm not sure, Jake. Milly says she wants to kick your ass for betraying us, but seeing as that would get her banned from the competition, you're safe, or at least up until the competition's over. Sean's probably the most likely to forgive, but he's also close friends with Milly, so won't want you back in unless Milly does. Zander never really trusted you from the beginning, or anyone other than the original club for that matter. He was just trying to protect us, particularly me. Zander feels hurt because after he almost felt like he could trust again, you went and broke my heart. And Luke wants to kill you because you hurt Zander."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, turn's out Luke has a yandere side. Seriously, you need to watch out for him."

"No, not that. When you said that I 'broke your heart'..."

"I loved you, Jake."

"And now?"

"What you said in the recording really hurt, even though I know you didn't mean it. But I still have feelings for you. Oh, and what I said yesterday about staying close as a family, in the music club or not, still applies."

"Well, I love you too, Hailey."

"Wait... really?"

"Yep. I'm not quite sure exactly when it happened, but ever since I joined the music club, my feelings for you have grown. Actually, I kind of liked you even before that but was afraid of what Drew and the others would think..."

Jake trailed off into silence as he realised that he was starting to ramble. The pair stared silently into each other's eyes, slowly inching closer to each other, a blush forming on both their faces.

Unable to resist any longer, Hailey decided to close the gap, wrapping her arms around Jake and kissing him gently on the lips.

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