Passion Over Paris

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Brushing off their earlier conversation regarding his past partner, Zach got to work for the day. Walking into his office, he went straight to his large monitor and began his attempt to hack into the Wild Kratts system. Of course, Aviva and Koki had updated their security measures and his unauthorized access was quickly denied!

"Oh, those Wild Rats think they're so smart!" Zach groaned in frustration before he noticed a pinging at the top of his screen. It was a disrupto-bot signal coming from an unknown location. Zach tapped into the source and quickly realized he'd hacked into Alessandra's creature pod.

"What? I never... Zachbots!"

A few Zachbots entered the room when he called and Zach pointed to his screen. "Did one of you plant a disrupto-bot in Alessandra's creature pod when she was here?"

One bot raised its arm, responding yes to the question. It was the same robot that had pressed and folded Alessandra's clothes for her.

"I didn't ask you to!" Zach sighed before looking back to the screen. "Normally I'd be upset that you created your own directive, but in this case I'm glad you did. Now I can tap into her creature pod's frequency and get the Wild Rats' exact coordinates."

Zach began his vigorous typing to gain further access into the creature pod. In an instant, he had the coordinates.

"Hmm... Looks like they're headed to some big forest in Europe. I'm sure she wouldn't mind me paying her a little visit." Zach smiled as he thought of the lovely girl before realizing his Zachbots were still in the room. "A-and, you know, I'm sure there's some new varmint there I can use for my inventions."

The Zachbots blinked in response to their creator.

"Oh, stop it! She's useful to me and I'm useful to her. It can't be much more than that." Zach insisted as he turned off his screen. "Now go get the jet ready!"

The Zachbots blinked in understanding as they went off to prepare Zach's jet.

Zach looked out his large window over the vast city. He had to distance himself a little. He knew she was head over heels for him, but he didn't want to risk it. He couldn't come on too strong with his true feelings or he might lose her too...


In the glow of the sunset, Alessandra left her room as the Tortuga made its decent into the dense European forest. Koki heard the girl enter the main control room and turned around in her hover chair.

"Hey, Jimmy's just setting us down for the night. How you feeling?" The woman asked, hoping the information her and Jimmy had shared hadn't upset her too much.

"A bit better." She smiled weakly to her dear friend. "I think I'm gonna go for an evening hike if that's alright."

"Sure, hun. Just call if you need anything."

Alessandra nodded before she made her way out of the turtle ship. She needed some good fresh air to clear her head. Going out into the chilly night air, she slipped her red jacket back on and began to stroll through the dark woods.

As she walked, she thought about the inventor she so loved. She knew with all her heart that Zach would never hurt her, at least not intentionally. They had a connection, after all. Maybe there was something else with Zach and Aviva that caused things to end badly...

She breathed in the cool night air as she looked up to the starry sky. In all of this big wide world, she knew that Zach was the one she was meant for. And she hadn't a doubt in her mind about that.

As she was beginning to feel better, Alessandra heard the familiar roar of jet engine thrusters. She noticed the star pattern suddenly changed and knew he was there for her. The rope ladder dropped from the sky and she took hold of it, climbing up as the jet took off into the night. Thankfully, they were far enough from the Tortuga that the crew wouldn't have seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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Zach Varmitech x Alessandra SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now