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I feel so dumb for letting these thoughts run over my head again, but I can't help it anymore. Will I always be the only one who understands me?

I can't remain calm, I can't resist but scream at people coming through my way. When did I became like this? Cold like fucking stone, feeling nothing. Blank space. I tried my best to show what and who I am, but I guess that judgments are everywhere.
But I kinda got used to this feeling.

Feeling of misery and need for something to fill the hole in me.

"Nala!!! How many times do I gotta call you so you'd get your lazy ass down here?!"
"drama queen", I whispered, annoyed already. I swear if she calls me one more time before I finish my morning 'that time when I stopped giving a fuck' session, I'll throw myself through the window.

"NALA!!!", she calls again.
"HALLELUJAH", I said loudly to make her know why I'll be going downstairs with 'I'm fucking gonna break something' face on.
That woman really can be stubborn, but I don't blame her, that might be the only good thing I got from her. Just to make things clear, I love my mom, but she really knows how to turn my last 2 brain ganglions wild.

Again, I'm back to my thoughts. It's dangerous place but I don't mind. It's been a while since I enjoy being in my world. that, and also I hate people xoxo
Long story short, I like to find a way to escape.

When I go a bit deeper, I think that high school drove me crazy so now I feel like mEnTaL hOsPiTaL mAtErIaL gUrL. Or it's just that typical teenage fase where I have to explain to everybody that iT's nOt jUsT a fAsE kArEn.

But as I mentioned earlier, I genuinely do not give a fuck, with due respect.

Combination of unfortunate circumstances that life brought me in, lead me to the fact that I have to go to school. Horrible place, you'd never believe.

Despite the fact that I hate it, I like the fact that I have to choose a total new outfit every single day, because someone has to look fabulous, and that is, of course, me.

When I got ready, I came downstairs to see my mom, dad, and younger brother, standing and waiting for me? I looked at them expecting that a word or two will leave their mouth, but they had the same expression so I just groaned: "mornin' aliens."

They continued to look at me as I forgot something. Shit. I'm late.

"At least I look like a fucking Afrodita", I said to them while running off the house.

I have zero ideas about what their expressions were, but I have more important issues to fix rn. How to make path to school shorter and my legs faster?

Being late usually would not be a problem, if that wasn't my 3rd time this week. Professor already let me get away with it 2 times, but this time, naah. But fuck that, what kind of a lie can I make up so I wouldn't get punishment?

My turtle passed away... No I used that last time. There is a big traffic jam... No I can't drive. Dammit. I'll just say the real reason.

"Good afternoooonnn Mrs. Lee. How are you, I'm fine if you're askin' but if my ears ain't lying to me, you're no-
"Silence, Yang. You're late. Again.", she said in angry tone.
"I know right", I answered with an attitude.
"When will you stop being so careless and start acting just a little bit more mature? I let you without punishment last 2 times, that happened also this week, but I can't do it again. Go and visit the principal."
"Why, are Niagara Falls at his office?"

Class started to laugh, but Mrs. Lee cut them off: "Enough! Stop testing my patience Nala. Go to principal now so I wouldn't have to go with you and make things even harder for you."
"Sure yeah", with that, I left the class.


"Good afternoon, Mr. Yoon. Mrs. Lee sent me to you because I was late. Can I just get the punishment so we won't make this thing last for long because, to be honest, it already bores the s-"

He looked under his glasses, waiting for me to finish my sentence. "soul. my soul." I gave him that Jack Sparrow smile, and he chuckled.

"I see you feel like home here, Miss Yang. We both know that this is not your first time coming here because of being late. Now tell me, what's the real reason behind it? Is there something wrong or you're just being unorganized and carefree?"

"I would not call it unorganized and carefree"

"So there's something different behind you being late?"

"No. But I'm not unorganized and carefree.

*blinking session*


"I just like to relax and enjoy my morning that is taken by this institution every single day and you never even said sorry for that." I gave him on-purpose-bad-acted savage smirk.

He opened his mouth to say something, when the door knocked.
"Mr. Yoon, I'm sorry to interupt, but the new student we've been talking about is here."
"Let him in"

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