Chapter 1 (!!!!!!!)

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My Dad pulled off of the highway onto the exit that would lead us home. We had the windows down, blasting "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac, enjoying the seventy-three degree California summer weather. It felt good to be back from vacation. Not that Florida was boring, we had a great time, but I missed my friends, and Florida was boiling hot compared to here.

Mom was sitting in the passenger seat. She peeked into the rear view mirror and smiled at me. I smiled back and laughed. "What?" She said, laughing with me "I know I'm not that good of a singer you don't need to remind me." She rolls her eyes. "I wasn't going to say that!" I laugh. She shakes her head "You know, Jim next door said there's a new family that moved into that house that was for sale right across from us."

"Really?" I look out the window as we round onto our street. "Yeah..." Mom says her voice begins to fade when my eyes catch a girl stepping out of a black car. She's parked in the driveway of the house right across from us, and her car isn't just any normal car. It looks like a whole race car and at least worth more than my Mom and Dad's car put together. My eyes follow her as she leans back into her car to grab something. I studied her outfit, it was definitely different. She had on baggy black sweatpants and a baggy white shirt with a black vest layered on top. Not much different from what I was currently wearing which was my ex's grey sweatpants and one of my dads t-shirts since I spilled my drink on my tank top earlier. She adjusted her bandana and sunglasses when she stood back up from her car with a phone in her hand and took a quick serious faced selfie.

"Ellis, we're here." My Dads voice jolts me out of my trance as we pull into our driveway. I step out of the car and walk back to the trunk to grab my suitcase. Waiting for my Dad to open the trunk I glance over across the street. She was staring at me, sunglasses now pushed on top of her head, holding onto her car door. I stared back and gave a small wave. Her eyes glistened and she smiled, shut her car door, and turned to walk inside. I turned back to the trunk of the car and smiled. "Look at you already making a new friend with the neighbors! Maybe you could introduce her to your friends." Dad lightly nudges his arm into mine and hands me my suitcase. I nod "I see them later today, maybe I'll ask her." I know I won't. I'm not that type of person and way too shy to just go knocking on a strangers door like that.

After dragging my suitcase upstairs and unpacking I scan my room. I missed being here in my safe space. It wasn't long until I had both of my windows and the door to my small balcony wide open allowing the steady breeze to flow through my room. I have the perfect views from my room, one window facing the front of the house where I'm able to see anyone that comes to the front door, another window on the right side of the house that gets the perfect lighting from sunset, and the balcony which overlooks the back yard and my childhood treehouse that Dad built for me when I was five years old.

The treehouse is still my favorite place to go when I'm upset, or just want to be alone. I remember the first time my Ex (Max) and I broke up, I stayed in the treehouse after school and hid from my parents crying my eyes out over it. Dad delivered me dinner and a blanket that night, and Mom checked on me every hour until I was finally able to talk about it. Looking back it makes me laugh. Little did I know that Max would end up breaking my heart again.

After getting out of the shower and changing into a black tank top and black sweatpants a loud engine roar comes from the front window. I jump and turn to march towards the noise. It was coming from the girls car as she slowly pulled out of the driveway. She stopped when she was fully out and sat there and started to rev the engine. Usually things like that don't irritate me, but I knew she was doing it on purpose. I couldn't tell if she saw me because her windows were too dark, but I was practically leaning out the window staring at her so I'm sure she saw me there.

I go to quickly duck back inside but my hair towel bumps into the window frame, unravels from my hair, and falls down into my driveway. My curls fall down and I physically gasp from pure embarrassment. I duck again and roll back onto my bed hand clasped over my mouth unsure if I want to laugh or cry at how cringey I might have just looked.

I hear her car slowly take off and I finally take a breath and relax into my bed. I roll over to my phone and just as I'm about to message Ayla, she sends a text.

Ayla: Are you back in town? If so meet at the coffee shop in 20 mins? Me and Jess will be there <3

Me: okay see you there!

The shop was about a fifteen minute walk for me so I decided to not take my bike. It wasn't too late in the day so I knew it wouldn't be too dark by the time I had to go home. Plus I had my earbuds with me this time so I was able to enjoy the walk and feel like I was the "cool" main character of a movie like the guy in the end of Breakfast Club.

As I rounded the last corner to the coffee shop I noticed a car that looked exactly like the car from the girl across the street. I slowed my pace and hesitated. Why am I feeling this way? I don't even know her yet and I feel anxious just being reminded of her. "Just breathe." I whisper to myself. Thoughts begin racing through my mind. It's probably not even her, how would she even know of this place anyway? It's a literal hole in the wall type of place and only the locals think to stop here, but then again I've never seen anyone else with a car like hers.

As I step into the shop I scan the room and spot Ayla and Jess. They both wave and hold up their drinks. I nod and get in line to grab something to drink. I scan the room again and let out a sigh of relief. No neighborhood girl as far as I can see.

A few minutes pass while I wait for my order so I start scrolling through my songs and click on "Indulge Me" by Moses Sumney. I hear my name over the music "Ellis, oat latte?" the barista calls. I smile and grab the cup then turn to walk towards Ayla and Jess.

My heart flutters and I stutter in my steps when I look up and spot the neighborhood girl sitting next to them, her light eyes softly pierce into mine and she gives me a small smile. All of the noise fades and all I can hear is the song playing through my earbuds. It's been so long since I've felt this way about anyone.

Last time I felt like this I thought I was in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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