pt. 6

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[Picture of where each person sits and replace Jake and where Emma would've sat with Lexi and Mak.]

Your POV

Before Miss P could open the door, it flew open revealing a little girl, she has brown short curly hair and wearing a white dress with some red. She look to me and my sister with excitement in her eyes, she smiled at us both and of course we smiled back. The girl stood there looking at us both, I guess they wouldn't really get guests so I didn't think bad of it.

"Now, Now, Bronwyn. You can look at them later, but right now we shall eat." Miss P speaks up.

What a unique name, Bronwyn. It's nice and suits her, even if I don't know her. She moves to the side so we can go through, again I made Lex go first. Behind me was Miss P who was locking the door, not going to lie, she made me nervous. But not in the bad way.
After locking the door Miss P guides us to the dining room, there were already children there sitting patiently. I guess there were a few more in the kitchen finishing up the food.

Of course me and Lex sat next to each other, I was at the end of the row, sitting to the left of Lex was Bronwyn and across from me was another little girl with blonde short curly hair. She wore a pretty pink dress and beside her sat a boy with short dark brown hair with brown clothes on.

~skip to before they start eating~

As soon as Miss Peregrine sat down she spoke, "So children, as you can see we have two new people. They will be staying with us from now on. Could you please introduce yourselves?"

"Yes, Hello I'm Lexi, and this is my sister, Makayla." We smile at them all I was going to introduce myself but thanks lex.

"What's your peculiarity?" One asked, she had short blonde hair and he wore smart clothing. "I'm Horace by the way, Pleasure to meet you."

"Same to you and I have telepathy and telekinesis." Lexi says with a smile.

"How amazing, Makayla do you have one?"

I shrug, "Unfortunately, I do not know." I smile.

"Oh, that's okay." He also smiles, he's polite and nice.

Miss Peregrine glances to me then says to them all, "Can the rest of you introduce yourselves please?"

~skip to after dinner~

After dinner, a few of the older children insisted to take me and Lexi's cutlery and plates to wash up. I said I didn't mind washing them up myself, but they said as I was new it was polite of them to do so.

Miss Peregrine came up to me and Lex and said she was gonna show us our new rooms. I'm surprised they have spare rooms as there are many of them, though looking at the outside of the house it looked big. Lexi then said she had talked to someone (I don't know who) and they wanted to share a room, Miss Peregrine said it was fine. I guess she will just need to show me mine.

We started walking up the stairs and I found it awkward, I mean yeah we aren't talking but generally. If your behind someone your just looking at their back most of the time, if your in-front you're talking to air. Sorry I'm blabbering.

Anygays, we get to the top of the stairs and Miss P shows me to my door.

"And here we are" She says kinda waving her arm for me to walk in.

I whisper a thank you and walk in, "The bathroom is in there, I assume you will want to freshen up." Miss P says pointing to the bathroom door.

Before she leaves I say, "Thank you. Thank you very much for letting me and my sister stay."

She turns around and gives me a smile,
"You're very welcome." she says and takes her leave.

[A/N I forgot to mention in pt. 1 that the sisters were carrying a backpack each, as I forgot about it I didn't put it in the next parts. But before, when the two walked in, Miss Peregrine asked them to hang up their bags on the hooks. Now, they both have them in their rooms.]

I look around stunned, my life is restarting.

I go to my bag which has some clothes and toiletries, with a reading book which I also write in. The bag wasn't heavy so that wouldn't of caused my back to ache earlier.

Whatever, I'm going to take a shower. I grab my toiletries and put them to the side, I strip and toss my clothes on the bathroom floor, I hop in and turn the shower on.

I felt the hot water stream down my back and let out a relieving sigh, I didn't normally like burning showers but this was lovely. I washed my blonde-silver hair and then myself, I felt cleaner then ever.

I rang out my hair and grabbed a towel from the side wrapping it around my body, then a smaller one for my hair. I walked in my room and I guessed I was meant to put my pjs on, obviously, I brush my hair and then hear a knock.

"Hello?" I called out.

Miss Peregrine opens the door, "It's movie time, are you coming down?" She asks.

"Of course" I say getting up and walking to the door and shutting it.

Miss P waited for me and the top of the statues and started to walk down with me behind her, once again.

We get down there and everyone's seated.



Hiya, I might still be able to update when I'm on holiday, it depends.

Anyways have a good day/evening/night.

Bye xox

The food is good, I guess they would have a limit supply unless they went down to market. Which I assume would be dangerous, but anyways I look to my sister who has her elbows on the table, we were taught to be really polite, I took it seriously from the results I once got when I didn't. I look to Lexi and whisper for her to put her elbows down, and saying it's not polite. She waved it off but still did it. In the corner of my eye I saw Miss P look over, she is sharp, I guess that's what it is when you are a bird and well a human but you know.

Now that everyone was at the table, Miss peregrine sat at the end of the table beside me and the little girl.

The lady in blue - miss peregrine x femWhere stories live. Discover now