What is love

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Love in a sense is a curse to mankind because of how it makes our brains less efficient, slowing down the process towards the ultimate goal of humanity which is becoming an intergalactic and eventually an intradimensional species. That is if there are even other dimensions which is very unlikely but possible.

That was my take on "love" and everyone has a different understanding of love which is both a good and a bad thing. It is a good thing because it can sometimes arise romantic interest in two people which can eventually lead to continuation of their bloodline and evolution of the human species ,it may also cause someone to save a life just because they loved them. The parents of a child take care of it because they love their child and just like that a psychopath might kill a person because they "love" it or just how that child the parents raised may grow up to become someone who likes to torcher people as they just loved to that.

Love is too broad of a subject to be put down in mere words ,it is one of if not the strongest human emotion. It is up to you how you want to understand and feel about love... Or is there anything like feelings in the first place? How do you not know that you are currently in a stimulation getting used by robots for your brain's processing power and just waiting to die...? It is a wild but possible thought.

Ok now i will need you to come to a conclusion on what you just read before going onto the next chapter. I will explain what i am talking about in the next chapter but if you just give it some thought than you will be able to understand a lot more.

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