(Ch:1)Kusuke. Get rid of them.

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Hello! Its me!! Punchinthejewels, I unfortunately lost my account because of email issues, but I didn't give up on the story yet! I was so passionate to continue the story. I decided to find a way to get my story back and rewrite it(More like correcting spelling mistakes). I even decided to make art for it so the cover must look different.

Hope you enjoy my story again.

He had arrived early to school, early enough for other people to pester about their problems in the most uneccesary ways. Kusuo Saiki was a psychic. Another lifeform which was superior to the human in many ways, but, unlike how many people assume, he was not perfect. Strict limitations with his powers were a must-have, and it was not particularly rare for him to completely ruin a country or the whole planet in his sleep. Kusuo had the tendency to dissappear in the crowd, the attention of other people were just annoying, no matter what kind it was. As a child, he even destroyed a whole nation, just for the sake of his privacy that was about to get ruined if he didn't destroy it. Anything was possible with his powers. From mind reading abilities, to telepathy, and other things. Every single ability had its limitations, and that was okay. It was for the best.

It was a normal, early morning at PK Academy, a private school where lots of interesting people were gathered to study. Kusuo Saiki went to school there, but only because his family had to move due to an incident that had happened in a certain neighborhood. Kusuo never showed any emotions, due to the lack of surprises and trust of other people. He never managed to feel many happy things in his life, because of those unfortunate powers he was born with. He called himself spoiled, which indeed, was the case. He felt like a puppy that got fed by its owners. Just like the dog that lost its ability to hunt, he lost the ability to get excited of something. The only thing in life that brought him joy was his sweet tooth that forced him to buy expensive candies sometimes, specifically his delicious coffee jelly that he craved so much every day.

A certain Sky-blue haired male, about the size of a middle school girl, was the first one to talk to the unimpressed Psychic. The fact that Kusuo could read his mind, was nothing new to him. He could visually see what people think about, and thus, it showed often what people intended to do before they did it. "Hey~ Saiki-kun! Have you learned for the test today?" the Chuunibyou spoke, a wide, genuine smile spread over his face. That was Shun Kaidou. A pretty weebish, but really nice guy from Kusuos class. He was a chunnibyou, which directly is translated to "eight grader syndrome". It sounds bad, because it is. He forces himself to be more popular by pretending to be a superhero fighting against an organization that didn't even exist, but his friends played along with him, thus only strengthening his Chunnibyou. Kusuo didn't reply to Shun's words, his eyes aimlessly looking through his green tinted glasses that were there to block out a power he named the "Medusa"-look. If anyone would know that Kusuo was a psychic, they would be really glad that his glasses were on his nose, and not somewhere else. The mere thought of attention sickened the pink haired male, but he didn't want to seem too rude, knowing that it will do the opposite of his intention, attracting more attention.

If shun would've been anyone else, this would have been a private matter, but Kusuo had to reply anyway, didn't he?

The psychic never used his actual voice. He was always using something he called his "telepathic" voice, which is just an imitation of his real voice, projected into other people's minds. This method saved energy, was much faster, and helped Kusuo to get his point across without either stumbling over his tongue, or others understanding it differently.

Kusuo was about to use his telepathic voice on Shun, who was still waiting for a reply, but the sight of Shuns mind had disturbed him. He already had seen a lot. So much in fact, that NOTHING on earth could make him feel this uncomfortable like he was now. A really graphic image was floating over Shun's head. It wouldn't be a problem for the pink haired male, but..

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