Chapter 1: Will disappears

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November 6th 1983 Hawkins, Indiana

"something is coming, something hungry for blood a shadow grows on the wall behind you swallowing you in darkness it is almost here" Mike said

"what is it?" Will asked looking at the others at the table

"what if it's the Demogorgon, oh Jesus we're so screwed if it's the demogorgon" Dustin panicked

"it's not the demogorgon" Amelia and Lucas said

"an army of troglodytes change into the chamber!" Mike said putting the figures on the table

"Troglodytes?" Dustin said

"told ya" Lucas said Amelia giggling

"wait a minute did hear that...that sound" Mike said whipersing"boom boom BOOM!" Mike yells and slams his hand on the table earning a shock from the group around the table"that didn't come from the troglodytes,no that-that came from something else" Mike said

"the demogorgon" Mike yelled, putting the piece on the board

"aww man" Amelia said leaning back in the chair as everyone else groaned slamming on the table

"we're in deep shit" Dustin yells also sliding back in his chair

"Will your action" Mike said staring at Will waiting at his decision

"i don't know" Will said looking at the party members

"fireball him" Lucas yelled

"i'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" Will said not knowing what to do

"welp we are in serious shit now" Amelia said

as the party started to yell over each other

" the demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering it stomp towards you BOOOM!" Mike yelled

"FIREBALL HIM" Lucas yelled

"ANOTHER STOMP BOOM!" Mike said trying hurry Will to pick between protection or fireballing the demogorgon

"CAST PROTECTION!" Dustin yelled

"he roars in anger" Mike said looking at the group

they party yelling over to Will to choose fireball him or to cast protection

"FIREBALL" Will yells rolling the dice and falling off the table as everyone went down to find the dice

Karen yells mike no one heard her since everyone was yelling trying to find the dice

"MIKE" Karen yells

"You mean end fifteen after" Karen said tapping on her watch walking away

While Mike went up the stairs the party was still looking for the dice to see what number it was

"Oh,I got it" Will said showing us the dice
"Does a seven count?" Will asked the party

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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