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-forgive me for even writing this.-


    Hajime sprinted along the sandy yellow beaches in search of Nagito. He had been walking for around fifteen minutes and was bound to find the white-haired boy soon.

      "There you are-", Hajime found Nagito but stood still, stopping his sentence.

       "Hajime it's not what it looks like, I can explain!-" Nagito yelped out.

      Hajime stood there, silent, unable to think what to say. He had just walked into the market to see Nagito making out with the fruit punch bottle. Tears welled up in his olive-green eyes.

          "I think I've seen enough..."

          There was a long silence before Hajime started to walk out of the market, Making only a few steps before slipping on a can. The brown-haired boy stood up and looked at the can. It was a Sprite Cranberry. Picking up the can and running back to his cottage.


           Hajime stared at the can in his hand, watching the sweat on it glisten in the light. It was beautiful with its red-colored aluminum.  Hinata caressed the can before kissing it. He thought of this as a little payback for Nagito making out with the fruit punch.

             Hajime continued to make out with the can until they got married and somehow had children.

The end. I refuse to even think about writing any more of this, it pains me to write this bad </3

Hajime x Sprite CranberryWhere stories live. Discover now