Edict 1: Where there is sea there be pyrates.

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This indicated charter is for all those who wish to hear goodish tales of those simple sea fairers. Be it may that per chance the aforementioned charter should fall into the hands of the foe, let it be known that this charter is not what it may seem, behind these oily paper lie a tale for ye who be brave enough to venture and tempt the tempestuous sea, 

In these edicts i wish to tell a tale to satisfy thy readers thirst for venture and blood, but if Ye still wish to be a swashbuckler then may god be with you.

In the times of Jorgekigh, my homeland there were no proper charter as the one i present to you now, nor were there any swarms of pyrates as it is now rather it was simple men bonded together with the single aim of gold. Immense amount of gold that be. Through they're greed i but a simple lass am able to tell they're legends and feets of aw. 

I shall tell you a tale of this yungin who happened aboard our ship, hidden deep within a barrel of beans of all things, this yungin lass was a brave heart, far braver then his old man who made the lass go through much harsher things then he shouldve. As such he ran away from his humble abode to join us. alas it was a fatal mistake.

The boy was running away from his father and we simply hadnt the time to oar back to shore, so we took him along, hoping for ye weather to be well, and for plunder to be even weller. Our keel went krashing into the merchant vessel, they were bringin goods from ol keshletown, when the raid began none of us noticed the lass. the crew was far to distracted by the skirmish to worry about some yungin. what with the ways an all being much to calm to be worreid about a simple ship to be felling over, we were entirely focused on getting the booty.

When the merchant lieutenant (the one with the burned hand) brought a mighty blow upon our captain, it was then.

it was then that the boy snuck out from the shadow, and permformed the same miracle we were praying for, the boy took a knife jamming into directly into the neck, right below the skull, of the lieutenant poor fellow didn even know what was comin. such were the heroics of this youth.

but while we were busy merry making around the first kill of the lad, we failed to see the final blunder buss shot that killed the child,  his body flew right across the deck slamming his head so hard that his neck snapped. 

It was a depressive incident for a contemporary skald such as i, It brought the realization that the sea is not all merryiment and not the place for some children folk to be, Our raiding and pillaging was no longer just for treasure, it was revenge for what they did to a child at that. 

Where there is sea, there be pyrates, and they be a audacious group. So all ye yungins be wary of the sea and be waryer of pyrates.

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