Folktale of Cleavers edge

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"On the eve of midmost winter, during the darkest hour before morning, in a barn surrounded with trees that be as tall as ye shadow be at midmost morning, with carpets of snow in everywhich way possible, in that barn lay a young boy in a pile of hay.

The boy had yet but reached fourteen winters, a child with Jer-Kertic showing through him. The child, the boy had bright white hair, as white as snow, just like his mothers, he was in the rusty old barn to get the axe, for during late winters it was here that the family stored wood, but the boy was frustrated, for his father had woken him at an ungodly hour and for what ? to get wood that could be gotten later ? no the lad was angry, so he took a shovel and hid behind the barn. Waiting patiently so he could show his father what exact he thought him being led to work.

As the sun rose over the barn, shinning all over the white snow that draped the trees and the ground itself, the boy could feel his bones aching. aching for revenge. his entire body was rigid with adrenaline. 

A deep voice boomed from the middle of the forest, yelling "JARGER" 


Footsteps came closer to the barn, following the little indents made by the child, and it could be quite clearly seen that the boy was hiding behind the barn. "JARGER" he shouted once more through the core of his throat in a voice that trembled even the wooden planks of the barn.

So the father came and started hitting the boy with his full force for it had been quite a while sine he had sent him, for now the sun was up in the sky, it was during this that the clever cunning boy struck from behind. smashing his ol fathers head into the snow, bashing it again and again and again and again, with blood and brain matter going everywhich way.

The smell of blood made the white haired lads eyes red, inhumane strength allowed him to do this sin, but the boy crumpled after seeing what he had done, the shovel fell and the boy came down to his knees, he was a foolish foolish boy. tears and blood mingled everywhere as the boy shook in utter sadness. and behind the trees was the glint...

The glint of a CLEAVER.

It had been nearly midmost morning now. with sun at its peak the mother was worried as to what mustve happened to her husband and child. So she went to look for them and found the boys body draped over his fathers, but the boys body was missing his head. The mother blamed herself for she shouldve taken better care of the child ever sense he bumped his head.

So the mother in despair could do naught but stare at the lifeless bodies of her husband and child, her heart, mind and soul were all but shriveled up for the grief was too much.

So to make sure your parents are happy and proud, never disobey them, understand child?"

"Yes, Patriarch." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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