My Current WIPs

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Running Towards Destiny (On Hiatus)

"Sunshine ran away from home.

Cocoa was already an agent.

They became unlikely partners, but they had the same goal: defeat the evil dragon king. They have to save everyone else from the king and his secret, but can they do it without falling victim to the king?"

Currently ongoing and not available on Wattpad Wattpad.

First book in the Legend of Sunshine trilogy.

Fate Calling

"Fate destroyed Arizona. It also destroyed her.

When she meets Oliver, her life changes for the better. However, it leaves Oliver's ex-girlfriend, Zoey, in pieces. When Zoey returns for revenge, Arizona's nation is launched into war. Can Arizona end the war and make peace with the past before it's too late?"

Currently ongoing and not available on Wattpad.

First book in the Royalty duology.

Searching For The King

"Electra was placed in an arranged marriage because she couldn't choose a good husband. When her sister offers to marry him instead of her if Electra will marry someone within the next month, Electra gladly accepts. During the wedding reception, Electra meets the dragon of her dreams: Shadow.

On the night of their wedding, Shadow disappears during the reception. Electra takes it upon herself to find him while she has a horrible feeling every time she sees her sister. Is Electra's gut feeling correct about her sister, or is she just being paranoid? And can she find her husband before he dies?"

Currently ongoing and not available on Wattpad.


High School Royalty (Cinderella Retelling, On Hiatus)

"When Ella's father married her step-mother, it opened a new world to Ella, and not a good one. For two years, Ella's life has been a living nightmare. Her step-mother and two step-sisters are extremely abusive, but nobody convicts them because Ella's unable to get evidence of the abuse.

Ella's life changes when Henry, the popular football star, asks her out to prom. That's when Lucille, the mother of one of Ella's friends, steps in to help. Can Ella manage to get to prom without her step-mother seeing through her? Can Henry find her after midnight?"

Currently ongoing.


Rose Garden (Beauty & the Beast retelling)

Currently being planned.


Blossoming Love (Sleeping Beauty retelling)

Currently being planned.


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