uh oh..

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My happy smile begins to fade into a downturned frown.
my hair raising on my goosebump covered skin.
"jack" slips out of my mouth making me clasp my hands over my stupid mouth.
"what did you just say!?!?" my long haired fiancé shrieks.
i've never seen him get this angry before.
i'm scared
slowly walking backwards, never loosing eye with the target, i slip gracefully on a banana peel and land in a cute pose.
"you're so cute but i am mad at you y/n.. WHO THE FUCK, sorry mind my language, SAYS ANOTHER GUYS NAME AS YOU GRT ENGAGED"
my face is dripping with spit.
i need a napkin.
"bruh just chill out," i say calmly as i slide on my new sunglasses,"don't worry be happy" throwing up a sick peace sign.
i turn around and the foot ball team carrie's me to jack.
"jack we need to talk"
"ooooooooooo" the team says.
"that's enough boys" i say snapping my fingers.
"what's up?" jack says all happy
"i don't want to rain on your parade but..."
"WILL YOU MARRY ME" jack blurts out already on his knees.
".. i'm engaged, to argyle.." i finish.
he slowly pulls out a switch blade from his pocket and naruto run to auger boys pizza.
oh no..

a/n ruh roh

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