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Energy that flows, with a heart that pounds to the essence of it, 

A never ending dance that has me in a waltz, trance, and ever so fixed upon the next movement. 

And strangely enough, I am not moving, 

But I feel as if I am being moved, 

Almost as if this is swaying me, 

Is moving me left, and right, forwards, backwards, all the way into eternity. 

What else can I ask for? Other than this dance?

The lights in the sky shift and makes me enter a state of purity, that of which I cannot escape, 

But why escape it, when I can just experience it?

Why escape...when I am truly free?

This internal feeling that is inside of me, I can't let it go, 

I won't let it go, because it sweetens my heart, and it forever leaves me grateful, leaves me content, 

Allows a multitude of connotations and metaphors and such to be present, and yet understood while being unsaid...

I could get used to this, experiencing the flame of my twin, 

Lavishing in the loneliness and the godliness that has been contained from deep within, 

The peaceful aura that surrounds all of us. 

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