~Last day of hell~

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( Key)
Y/n ~ Your name
N/n ~ nickname
F/c ~ favorite color
F/f , F/c ~ favorite food, Favorite candy
( A/n ~ If there is anything else that i put in the story i will add it to the key!)
To the story!!!
It was the last day of school, and you were in your last period class, that just happened to be with one of your best friends Stanley uris. You sat at your desk staring at the clock intensely, till the last bell of the day soon rang. You and Stan shove all your stuff back into your bags, and speed walked out if the classroom, and down the hallway. You tell Stan that you have to use the restroom and that you will meet up with the others in a little.
As you watched Stan walk away, Greta shoved you out of the way and barged into the bathroom.

You walk into the bathroom to see Greta and her minions about to dump trash water on someone in the stall. "Greta WHAT THE FUCK BRO?!" You yell. "Shut the fuck up Tozier and im a girl not a dude bitch" Greta says in a harsh tone. You walk to the stall Greta's minion's in, you pull the girls hair while dragging her out of the stall and she yelps. "WHAT THE FUCK, FUCK OFF WHORE!" Greta yells at you. You walk over to Greta and slap her hard on her cheek. "DON'T CALL ME A WHORE YOU FUCKING SLUT!!" You yell at Greta. Greta punches you in right in the right eye and storms out with her minions. "Hey its ok to come out now" you say wincing in pain. As red-headed girl walks out of the stall and rushes over to you. "Omg! Are you ok?!" She says. "Oh me ill be fine don't worry about me" you say to her. "Im Beverly Marsh!" The girl says sticking out her hand. "Im Y/n Tozier! Nice to meet you Beverly" you say as you shake her hand. "Please call me Bev" she says. "Ok Bev, see you around!" You say to her. You both exchange goodbyes as you to walk to separate ways.
You walk to the front to find the boys, you spot them near the trash can emptying there backpacks. You walk over with you hand over your eye so they dont notice. "Hey guys!" You say. They all look at you and say "hey" back, then go back to what they are doing. You sit down on the dying grass. As all the boys were talking amoungs them selfs, Bill came over to talk to you. (Ik this isnt in the movie but like just roll with it for now) "I-is s-something wrong w-with your e-eye y-y/n?" Bill questions. "Oh uhhhhh no?" you say nervously. "Then w-why are y-you covering y-your eye?" Bill asks curiously. "I umm tripped and hit my eye pretty bad on a pole" you state trying not to sound suspicious. As Bill was about to say something Henry Bowers and his gang start picking on yall. You roll your eyes at the Bowers gang. "What were you rolling your eyes at princess?" Henry questions in a teasing manor. "N-nothing" you stutter as you look down at the floor.
~magical time skip from eddies mom's tits~

As Henry was about to walk away when You hear "S-s-s-suck B-Bowers" you turn around to see that Bill had said that. "Shut up Bill" eddie whispered yelled. As Henry and his goons turn around, You rushed over and stood in-front of Bill, looking up to see Bowers standing very close to you. "Ah Y/n Tozier, so you banging Billy boy now?" Henry says mockingly. You looked at him in the face "And if it is Henry FUCKING bowers, the biggest asshole here in the school?" you say in a pissy tone. Henry was pissed off because of your actions, and was about to punch you. You look around you to find something to defend yourself with but instead you see something or someone you can use against him "you wouldn't want your daddy to see you beating up a helpless little girl now would you?!" You say trying to stay calm and tying not to show fear. Henry looks up to see his dad staring at him "Summers going to hell for you and your faggot friends" as he licks his hand and puts his saliva on your face, him and his gang get into there car and drive off. Trying not to throw up "eddie can i h-have a wipe?" You ask. Eddie hands you a wipe. As your wiping off your face you forget that you have a massive bruse on your eye. As you turn to look at boys, you see them all with shocked expressions and richie comes run over to you and looks at you dead in the eyes and says  "that was so fucking badass of you y/n! I can't believe you said that to bowers! I couldn't ask for a more badass sister man!" He looks at your face a second time because he wasn't paying attention the first time. " what the hell happened?! I thought he didn't punch you?!" Richie says."he didn't, Just Had to take care of some business " you say Nonchalantly. "So rich we going home or what i need an ice pack for this" you say as you point to your right eye. He looks at you starts walking "we'll see you guys later" Richie says and puts up a peace sign. You start walking to the bike rack with rich. You turn around to the group and wave. They all wave back "stay safe you dorks" you yell at them as you continue to walk". You walk to the bike rack to see Richie with yours and his bike. "Thanks rich" you say. "No probably Girly" he says.

{~at your guys house~}

You guys bike home, as you guys set your bikes down and walk inside to get you an ice pack. You see your mom on the passed out on the floor with beer bottles all over the floor. You look down at the floor and close your eyes because you have always hated seeing your mom like this. Rich rubs your back "come on lets go get you that ice pack" he says. You and rich walk into the kitchen and get an ice pack. You place it on your eye where Greta punched you. You then walk to your room that you and rich share, because your family isn't the most financially stable.

{~in the room~}

You sit on your bed and zone out thinking about where Georgie could be, or the possibilities that he could be dead. Richie walks into the room a few minutes after you. "Hey n/n you good? You seem a little off at the moment" he says as he sits on his bed and faces you. You look up at Richie. "Im fine, just been thinking" you say. "What ya been thinking about?" He asks. "Stuff" you say. "Stuff like what?" He asks. "Ya know like where Georgie is and if we will ever find him" you say. "Oh ya that reminds me didn't billy boy want us to go to the barrens today?" You say. "He did, does your face feel any better because if not we can stay home" he says. "No no, it feels fine and i don't want to not help look for Georgie" you say will a sad expression. Richie looks at you, stands up and grabs your hand, yanking you up. "Then lets go!" He says as he drags you out of the house. You and rich bike to the barrens.

{~At the barrens~}

"Ooo looks like we made it just in time" rich says. You look around to see the whole gang at the barrens. "Hey guys! Sorry we didn't get here till now" you say. "No, actually you guys made it on time" Stan says. "Surprising" Eddie says. "Ed's im always tring to be on time but rich always to make us late somehow" you say as you shrugged your shoulders. "Heyy" Richie pouts. "What its true" you say as you put your hands up in the air. "Come on guys" bill says as he enters the sewer looking thingy. You follow bill and Richie follows behind you. As you and bill continue to walk Richie turned around and started to pick on Eddie because why not.
"I feel like richie likes eddie, but i dont know but i do have to say he acts pretty gay if i do say so myself " you think to yourself.

{ A/n } HII. I dont really know if i should keep this going because i dont really write stories but if you want me to i can. I owe all my credit to everyone how has written a bill denbrough fanfic. So thank you for reading this. { 1516 words}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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