Your Return

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Part 1/

It was my first day back home in Hawkins. I'd been gone a couple months due to being in a juvenile detention center for getting caught stealing from a couple people's garages. Oops?

It was really exciting to see mom and my little brother, Dusty. They'd visited me many times but it didn't feel the same being behind glass. I had school tomorrow even though it's the last week of school before spring break, something about mom wanting me to settle back in and make some friends before the break. I don't know if she remembers but I was never a very sociable person, being alone is so much better because you're always doing what you want to do and never anyone else. Plus, people are stressful and complicated and let's face it- a bit of a waste of time. My plan was just to fade into the background like I used to.

I pushed open the door to the cafeteria and instantly hear my name being yelled from across the room- over the music playing through my headphones. Everyone stops and looks at me, exchanging whispers and judging glances to the people around them. So much for fading in. I didn't know people even knew who I was let alone that they would remember what I did. Not that I give a fuck because everyone in this place has their own secrets. I walk over to the table that my brother is at with his friends, some of which looked way older than him and others who I recognised like Mike.

"Hey Dusty" I say and ruffle his hair. I sit down at the spare seat next to Dusty and... Eddie Munson? I think I missed a whole chapter because when did my nerdy little brother start hanging round with him? "Hey y/n, you remember Mike right?" "Yeah, hey bud" you wave. "Y/n I totally forgot you existed for a couple months holy shit how was juv-" Dustin elbowed Mike in the side causing him to stop his sentence abruptly and wince in pain.

"And aren't you going to introduce this strange woman to the rest of the table Henderson?" Eddie says, smirking at me. "Oh shit sorry, y/n this is Gareth, Jeff and Eddie. Guys this is y/n, my sister"

"Dude why didn't you tell me your sister was so hot" Eddie looked me up and down. I can't lie, he's attractive and I would definitely let him do a lot of things to me. I mean like, anything he wanted to. I realised I had begun to stare so I look away before anyone noticed.

"Anyway like I was saying" Dustin starts "Mike and I, we were talking ya' know? Shooting the shit and uh, we were uhm wondering if you could uh" "postpone" Mike butts in.

"Postpone?" All guys at the table said in unison before erupting into a chaos of complaints.

Eddie remained silent for a minute. "SHUT UP" he yells. "We will find a replacement for Sinclair, matter of fact, you guys will find a replacement" He didn't look happy.

"I'll do it" I say before taking a bite of my food. "You play?" "Who do you think taught Dusty?" I smirk and raise my eyebrow.

"Looks like you guys get to live another day" Eddie laughs but Dustin and Mike smile nervously.

"See you tonight pretty girl"


Hey so, what I'm going to do is make each story a couple parts long so that it's not all rushed into one part. It will say in the beginning of each part 1/3 for example etc. Hope you enjoyed this part, Ik it was boring but it was just an introduction. There'll be something better in the next part ;)

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