Chapter Eight: Compromise

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Ichiro realized his foolishness when his hand plunged through the case just as it did with everything else. The shame of his mistake made him grow tense, and he sought to rectify the situation by pulling his hand back out. However, his knuckles brushed against something solid in the process, which prompted him to freeze.

Wait, I can touch the sword, after all?

A jolt of relief passed through his body, but it gave way to sorrow when Hideo pulled the case away from his reach.

"What did I tell you? You shouldn't try something so foolish."


"No buts," Hideo scolded in a harsh tone that made Ichiro feel like a child again. "You're just like my daughter. Always acting before you think."

Ichiro became indignant. Although Hideo was also old enough to be his father, the shinigami had no right to speak to him in such a manner. His open hands curled into fists, and he voiced his discontent.

"How can I exercise restraint? I want only what is rightfully mine, yet you won't even grant me that!"

Hideo dismissed him with a wave of one hand. "You don't understand, do you? Neither you nor Tsutomu are entitled to stay in the mortal realm. I have already evaded my responsibilities by bending to your wishes."

"Responsibilities? What?"

"You are both deceased in the eyes of the Underworld. I would be required to take the two of you there in normal circumstances."

This was news to Ichiro. He turned around, hoping to receive Kumiko's comfort and protection, but she appeared even more shocked than he was.

"No," she whispered with a shake of her head. "I can't let that happen..."

Her reaction did not go unnoticed by Hideo. The shinigami's frown vanished as he began to smirk at her with malice. Ichiro felt his anger bubble up once more.

"Then I'll let you choose. It should be easy, shouldn't it?"

Kumiko glanced at Tsutomu, who stared back at her with barely concealed fear. Then, Ichiro felt her gaze upon him and fought the desire to influence her decision.

A few tense moments later, she looked away from him and his impostor before addressing Hideo sternly.

"I've made up my mind."

"Oh, really?" Hideo leaned forward with interest. "Tell me who you've picked."

"Neither of them. I'd like to make a bargain," Kumiko firmly replied, much to Ichiro's sudden confusion. Did she intend to keep them both around for her leisure?

"Is that so? Tell me the conditions, and I'll decide if it's worth accepting."

Kumiko sighed, and Ichiro noticed for the first time that there was an inkling of guilt in her eyes. He remembered the bandaged woman from earlier, then realized what his wife likely had in mind.

"I have a rare creature in captivity. A jorōgumo, if you will."

"Is that so?" Hideo asked as his excitement became more apparent. "I've read and heard a lot about them, but I have never seen one in person."

"Well, I am telling the truth. I can even show you to her."

The shinigami rose to his feet while still holding on to his case. "That sounds good to me. Lead the way."

Kumiko gestured towards the door before allowing Hideo to follow her into the hall. A tense silence followed as Futoshi gaped at Ichiro, then at his impostor.

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