Haha, Adamington Gontaneotious. What have you done.

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Three Days Grace decide to go on a road trip to become villians in uhh Dhar Mann. After a few hours, Barry asks Adam to pull over so he can take a wicked "yes".

"Hmph. Hell to the no." "Wha-" "nada, fine" Adam pulls over in the middle of nowhere and he's mad, he gets more mad when he sees Barry not only taking a wicked yes, but also taking a fat no.


Adam was pissed and when Barry came back, Adam slapped him. "The fuck was that for, beaner?" "THAT was for laying a six foot cable, I would bury you with that thing if I could, but we need you for the villian role for Dh-" "You know what, I don't care, let's just go so you can shut up." "Fine!" Adam groaned all angy and drove.

It happened again with Neil. "GOD DAMMIT, NEIL, I'D RATHER HAVE YOU SHIT YOUR PANTS THAN WASTE ANY MORE TIME, WE NEED THESE ROLES AND I'M NOT LETTING SOME LIQUID OR EVEN SOLID HUMAN WASTE STOP US FROM REACHING OUR DREAM GOALS." But Brad said, "You said if we didn't go with you, you'd pull a JFK on us." "What the fuck is a JFK?!" "YOU FUCKING IDIOT, A PRESIDENT IN AMERICA." "WE'RE NOT IN FUCKING AMERICA, BRAD, WE'RE IN A REAL FREE COUNTRY, I DON'T KNOW ANY AMERICANS, YOU FUCKING NI-" "WHAT ABOUT DHAR MANN, HUH?!" "O. Okay good point." "Yeah, FAG." "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET NEIL BACK OR ELSE I'M RUNNING OVER HIM." "Man, let the man shit his pants." Barry said. "Pfft, he can shit his pants when we get our roles, gringo."

Neil came back and brought a chainsaw to Adam. "Hah, you really thought it was that easy?" He revealed Barry's cable. "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE MY SHIT?" "SHUT UP." Neil put down the chainsaw in horror and said "Fine, you win." "Haha."

People were honking at them, some calling the police. "HELP, THERE'S UHH UHH A MAN IN THIS CAR WITH THREE OTHER GUYS AND THEY ARE BLOCKING THE FREEWAY, PLEASE COME GET THEM." "Lady, that's not our problem" "WH- HUH?! YES IT IS?!" "I don't have time for this, just go tell them to move so we can be happy." "I hope you get fired." "Oh believe me, I wish so too, no one can know though since everyone here pretty much loves me, but between you and me, I don't feel the same for anyone at all, they are all just a bunch of Jewish fags." "On God you clowning." "Okay."

They ended up moving on with their day. But anyways, Adam and Neil dropped their weapons on the freeway concrete and got the heck out of there.

The rest of the trip was weird. Adam and Neil almost killed each other, Brad was suffering and he eventually hid in Adam's sleeping bag inside of the luggage, and Barry kept telling then to stop because Adam needs to focus on the road because there is nothing but the road.

"Oh my God, we're finally here!" Adam said. "God, I feel so relieved."

Neil couldn't stand another sound from Adam, so he took the spare chainsaw and cut his head off. Barry put it back on the corpse and said "We don't have time for that, we need to head in the building." "Fine." "You'll pay for that, you know?" "Like I'd ever." "Whatever."

Brad was still hiding in the car. Adam yelled "Brad, wake up, I don't like this." He woke up and he got out of the car. "Bro, you got a tumor on your neck." "Ugh, great, just when I thought it wouldn't get worse, you had to act like this was some kind of sleepover that I slept first to." "I didn't- nevermind, we gotta go, the auditions are piling fast." "Oh shit!" He started running and some SpongeBob music started playing "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." "Brad, wait for me, ugh I hope to GOD you're adop-" "COME ON, ADAM" "OKAY."

All four of the guys make it. They sat down waiting for their names to be called up. "Uhh, is there a Mr. Adam Gontier?" "Whaat? You chose him first and not me?" "WE'RE DOING IT IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, FAG, YOU DON'T COME ON FOR A LONG WHILE, SO MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. Hi, Adam! How's it going!" Barry realized that that was DHAR MANN. Brad laughed and said "LOL IMAGINE DHAR MANN CALLING YOU A FAG." "OH, I'LL CALL YOU A FAG." "YOU'RE ONE TO TALK" "I HOPE YOU THINK OF BUGS CRAWLING ON YOU AND YOU STARTED SCRATCHING." "Damn you, Stock." "Hahaa."

Adam came out and said "I GOT THE ROLE HAHAHAHAAAAAA" "WHAT? BUT THEY DIDN'T AUDITION EVERYONE." "YEAH, BUT HE KNEW THAT I WAS THE ONLY GOOD ACTOR OUT OF EVERYONE IN HERE." "Oh my fucking Jesus H Christ, you make me wanna be a jew when you talk to me." Neil said to Adam "Well, he's gotta at least audition everyone and THEN choose." "Mm meh, there's no point, it's not like it'll be any different, I'm still gonna win either way." "Oh, Barry is right, you're an asshole." "HEY, WHEN DID HE CALL ME AN ASSHOLE." "Asshole... right now." "Omfg, if you guys didn't wanna be here, you guys should've just stayed home." "I'm bored as it is, how's that gonna help?" "Go somewhere, I don't care, you just didn't have to go here." "You forced us to go, what?" "I didn't force you, I threatened you and you didn't want me to do anything bad, so you chose to go." "YOU THINK I HAD A CHOICE AT THAT MOMENT?" "OF COURSE YOU HAD A FUCKING CHOICE, IT WAS EITHER I DO SOMETHING BAD OR YOU GO WITH ME TO SEE ME WIN A ROLE, IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU CHOSE THE SECOND OPTION."

Dhar Mann walked in and said the n word to Neil and Barry, he called Brad the n word but he meant "nice" #wholesome

Neil and Barry assassinated Dhar and grabbed the cable to illustrate the difference. Adam screamed and cried. "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ANYONE BUT HIM." Brad brought him back to life and Adam cheered. He saw Neil and Barry and Vecna'd them. "Don't play any songs." They both died and their decomposing bodies got dragged to the portals of Hell by Satan (Dhar) himself!

A few months after Neil and Barry uses their time in Hell being happy and making friends with others, Dhar got annoyed. "Why aren't they so bothered about the fact that they are in HELL?! Everyone is usually begging to go back." "Probably because they hated themselves and they never wanna go back to life." Dhar's wife says. "Hmm. Oh, I know!" A light bulb over Dhar's head, he brings Neil and Barry's souls back to earth. "See you again soon, have fun suffering." "WAIT NO I DON'T WANNA BE ALIVE AGAIN." "stfu."

They are now at a hospital and they've been in comas. They both can't do anything and can't wait to get out of the comas so they could kill themselves.

Adam and Brad walked in and Brad went to Barry and Adam went to Neil.

"The fuck are they doing?" Neil thought. Neil heard a flatline from Barry and he realized they are pulling the plugs.

Neil tried his best to get back out of his coma while being fully aware of his own body being possessed. "MMY JOB-" and Adam officially pulled the plug.

"Wait did he just" "Oh shit." "Eh whatever" "Yeah, they're poor shit-eating jews, who cares?"

Adam and Brad lived happily ever after and both of them got Dhar Mann roles.

The end!

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